Chances are, if you have a pond, there will be #DirtyWork to be done to keep it running clear. There are times when you have to get in... in this case, for clearing algae.
#pond #PondLife #Waterscaping #WaterGarden #WaterGardening #SpringClean #SpringCleaning #springcleanup
#dirtywork #pond #pondlife #waterscaping #watergarden #watergardening #springclean #springcleaning #springcleanup
FYI we’re closing our in-app disc store at end of month to make room for something new. So get your gear while you still can. Thanks for the collaboration NBDG, Innova and Prodigy Europe. This feature has only been available in Finland. #springCleanup #discGolfShop
Winter clean-up day in the She-Shed. This is my covered work space where I assemble container gardens & hanging baskets, sort bulbs, organize upcoming installations. It will be so NICE to have it ready for spring.
#gardening #JanuaryJoy #SpringCleanUp #GardenHour #horticulture #GardeningMastodon
#gardening #januaryjoy #springcleanup #gardenhour #horticulture #GardeningMastodon