Evaluating #ApacheAPISIX
vs. #SpringCloudGateway
#apacheapisix #springcloudgateway #comparison #apigateways
#springboot 3 #graalvm #aot #native for #arm64 and #amd64
This #springcloudgateway repo is the one that is going to make #gradle stick for me.
Using #testcontainers to validate my #native builds!
Check out my new tshirt then go take a look at the repo.
#testcontainers #gradle #springcloudgateway #amd64 #arm64 #native #AOT #GraalVM #SpringBoot
#knative on #raspberrypi with #springboot native compiled for #arm64 made publicly available by connecting #cloudflared to to the #ingress
I setup #ingress to point to #Springcloudgateway which handles the routing to the other services.
#springcloudgateway #ingress #cloudflared #arm64 #SpringBoot #raspberrypi #knative