Gestern hab ich zum allerersten Mal #Springerle gegessen. Lecker. Wer hat ein #Rezept von Großmuttern? #Schwabenschwarm meldet euch ❤️
#springerle #rezept #schwabenschwarm
Trying to decide which instruction set I'm following to use #hartshorne ie baker's ammonia to make #glutenfree #springerle with.
#springerle #glutenfree #hartshorne
The Most Popular Christmas Cookie in Every State, According to Google Trends
I was born in Texas to parents with German ancestry on both sides, and I've never heard of a Springerle cookie! Had to google that!
#texas #cookies #food #Christmas #springerle
Newly decorated #Springerle for the holidays
#Christmas #baking
#baking #christmas #springerle
#KulturelleAneignung aber auf die gute Art #Springerle 🥮
#springerle #KulturelleAneignung
Current baking obsession: Springerle wooden cookie molds. It took a couple of tries to get the hang of easing the dough out of the mold, but once I got it, #chefskiss
(Is it still called a springerle mold, when used for gingerbread? I don’t know!)
#chefskiss #holidaybaking #christmascookies #gingerbread #springerle
#Springerle are beautiful and delicious shortbread cookies which appear in German communities around the holidays. Seek these out if you enjoy anise flavored treats!
#weihnachten #christmas #cookies #springerle