Izzy has something important to say (sound up)! She is telling me that we need to play.
When she first came to live with us, three years ago, she wouldn't bark. She was too scared. She has come a long way!
#mondog #rescuedogs #Springerspaniel #dogsofmastodon
#mondog #rescuedogs #springerspaniel #dogsofmastodon
Happy Gotcha Day to Izzy (a few days late)! She has lived with us for three years now and has come a long way from the dog who was too scared to come out of the crate at the rescue pickup and cowered in our back seat on the way home (first pic).
She didn't play with toys for the first five months she lived with us, but now we have play time every day. She is a shy but sweet and loving dog, perfect for us. #mondog #dogsofmastodon #Springerspaniel #rescuedogs
#mondog #dogsofmastodon #springerspaniel #rescuedogs
Kajaanin linnan rauniot tarkastettu ja hyväksytty. #dogsofmastodon #koira #springerspaniel #kajaani #linna
#dogsofmastodon #koira #springerspaniel #kajaani #linna
I filmed three minutes of this obsessively focused, tail-wagging idiot. Edie would spend all day getting excited by the tiniest movement in the pond if she could.
#イングリッシュ・セター #inu #dog #springerspaniel
Izzy always wants tummy rubs, even first thing on a Monday! #mondog #Springerspaniel #rescuedogs #dogsofmastodon
#mondog #springerspaniel #rescuedogs #dogsofmastodon
Dog’s-eye view of the walk through the field-with-the-longer-grass this week. #SpringerSpaniel #DogsOfMastodon
#dogsofmastodon #springerspaniel
Our rescue Springer spaniel, Izzy, had a fun weekend. Izzy's son, Star, a "sprollie", stayed at our house Saturday night. Lots of play together. Even though Izzy weighs less than half of what her son weighs, she more than holds her own. #mondog #Springerspaniel #rescuedogs #DogsOfMastodon
#mondog #springerspaniel #rescuedogs #dogsofmastodon
Even first thing in the morning (6:41 am), Izzy loves tummy rubs. #Springerspaniel #rescuedogs #DogsOfMastodon #Mondog
#springerspaniel #rescuedogs #dogsofmastodon #mondog
Belle anche sotto la pioggia 🌹🐶💞💞💞 #flowers #roses #gardening #canettachestasempreinmezzo #springerspaniel
#flowers #roses #gardening #canettachestasempreinmezzo #springerspaniel
Izzy needs me to stop working on the computer and give her dinner. #Springerspaniel #rescuedogs #mondog #dogsofmastodon
#springerspaniel #rescuedogs #mondog #dogsofmastodon
It's exhausting spending the day with your friends and going on a trip to the woods #Mondog #SpringerSpaniel
On cool days, Izzy loves to find a sunny spot in the yard. Some days, she prefers it to going for a walk. #Mondog #rescuedogs #Springerspaniel #DogsOfMastodon
#mondog #rescuedogs #springerspaniel #dogsofmastodon
Well having a bit of a cool down yesterday where a field drain makes a little hidden pool beside the path #dogsOfMastodon #SpringerSpaniel
#dogsofmastodon #springerspaniel
Fabulous spring morning in the #LuneValley for exercising the #SpringerSpaniel.
#dogsofmastodon #springerspaniel #lunevalley
Evening walk with the dog. Once again, the #springerspaniel is utterly uninterested in what is going on above her in the sky. In contrast, sniffing the bluebells to try pick up the scent of a hare, she’s concentrating hard.
#dogsofmastodon #springerspaniel
イングリッシュスプリンガースパニエル / English Springer Spaniel / LINEスタンプ / LINE Stickers https://www.wacoca.com/pets/136595/
#dog #dogs #England(Country) #EnglishSpringer #EnglishSpringerSpaniel(AnimalBreed) #ESS #gorgeous #Inu #KEEPINMIND #LINE #LINESTAMP #LINEStickers #LINEスタンプ #Manchester(EnglishMetropolitanBorough) #puppies #spaniel #Springer #Springerspaniel #tohko #UnitedKingdom(Country) #イギリス #イングリッシュ・スプリンガー・スパニエル #イングリッシュスプリンガー #イングリッシュスプリンガースパニエル #リンガーくん
#リンガーくん #イングリッシュスプリンガースパニエル #イングリッシュスプリンガー #イングリッシュ・スプリンガー・スパニエル #イギリス #unitedkingdom #tohko #springerspaniel #springer #spaniel #puppies #manchester #lineスタンプ #linestickers #linestamp #line #keepinmind #inu #gorgeous #ess #englishspringerspaniel #englishspringer #england #dogs #dog
Izzy almost caught a squirrel yesterday. The silly squirrel ran around the tree, rather than running up it, and Izzy would have caught it if I hadn't pulled back on the leash at the last moment. Izzy was very disappointed. Here she is trying to figure out if she can get the squirrel to come back down. #dogsofmastodon #Springerspaniel #rescuedogs
#dogsofmastodon #springerspaniel #rescuedogs