I'm going live with Dan Vega, for #SpringOfficeHours in about 20-minutes! Join us!
The last #SpringOfficeHours of 2022 is happening today 330ET/230CT.
Join me, Dan Vega and our special guest @cppwfs
"Spring Cloud Data Flow"
Join me and Dan Vega today at 2:30 PM CDT on #SpringOfficeHours as we take a first look at #SpringBoot 3
#SpringBoot #springofficehours
Andreas @goafabric brought up a good question. What does “groups” look like on Mastodon?
My guess is that it includes hashtags, so here are some that I’ll be rooting and tooting.
#makejarnotwar #carvel #YugaByte #gemfire #redis #kubernetes #GraalVM #Buildpacks #arm64 #raspberrypi #springofficehours #springcloud #SpringBoot #springframework