That second yellow is ridiculous. He managed to keep himself upright and the scrum up, and got carded for it? Elbow being down is a sign of having issues, but isn’t a penalty in itself. #WALvAUS #Wallabies #SpringTour #AutumnNationsSeries
#walvaus #Wallabies #springtour #autumnnationsseries
Another game another weak yellow card. Is it bad that I’m relieved it’s an offside for a single foot being over the offside line? #WALvAUS #Wallabies #SpringTour #AutumnNationsSeries
#walvaus #Wallabies #springtour #autumnnationsseries
Interesting selection for the Squad for the #Wallabies. Must be wanting to test early and finish stronger? Keep in mind Rennie only had 25 players to select his 23 from due to injuries. #WALvAUS #SpringTour #AutumnNationsSeries
#Wallabies #walvaus #springtour #autumnnationsseries
#noxp Is there a guide to mastodon searches and getting the most out of them?
Yes I know searches only do hashtags.
On :birdsite: tweetdeck I have some permanent columns set up that are multiple hashtags combined (eg "#SpringTour OR #BledisloeCup OR #TRC2023 OR #SuperRugby OR #SuperRugbyPacific OR #SuperRugbyAU OR #SuperW OR #ShuteShield").
I'd like to do the same here, if it's supported.
#noxp #springtour #BledisloeCup #trc2023 #superrugby #SuperRugbyPacific #superrugbyau #SuperW #shuteshield