Coffee Walk, 2023-02-16
Foster Road Floodplain
Lents, Portland, Oregon
#SpringwaterCorridor #Lents #pdx #portland #photography #fujifilm
#springwatercorridor #lents #pdx #portland #photography #fujifilm
@ItsJenNotGoblin Many years ago when we lived in Portland, I used to bicycle the #SpringwaterCorridor. I deviated from the planned route one day and came across the Portland Puppet Museum. What an amazing experience.
Atlas Van Lines, 2023-01-23
Luther Rd. Natural Area, Springwater Corridor
Portland, OR
#portland #pdx #SpringwaterCorridor #LutherRoadNaturalArea #photography
#portland #pdx #springwatercorridor #lutherroadnaturalarea #photography