I met this guy beside the brook on my night walk. Frog? Toad? I don't know but surprisingly I got a half decent pic even though it was dark in the woods. #SpringWaterLakes #Mulmur #Brook #Scenic #Footpath
#footpath #scenic #brook #mulmur #springwaterlakes
A nighttime walk. #SpringWaterLakes #Mulmur #Pond #moon #refelction
#refelction #moon #pond #mulmur #springwaterlakes
A snapping turtle. #SpringWaterLakes #Mulmur #Pond
#pond #mulmur #springwaterlakes
The robins are trying again in the carport. This time they scattered nesting material into most of the gaps, then settled on one. Two eggs so far. #SpringWaterLakes #Mulmur #Nature #birds #Robin
#robin #birds #nature #mulmur #springwaterlakes
The pond today. It looks almost tropical. #SpringWaterLakes #Mulmur #Pond
#pond #mulmur #springwaterlakes
Charlie (the white one), Sasha (the black and white one) and Guinness (the little one) are always happy to see me on the trail. I carry snacks. #DogsOfMastodon #Trail #SpringWaterLakes #Mulmur
#mulmur #springwaterlakes #trail #dogsofmastodon
#bluejay learned a new trick.
#SpringWaterLakes #Mulmur #Nature #birds
#birds #nature #mulmur #springwaterlakes #bluejay
Doesn't really qualify for #waterfallwednesday But I do love it. #SpringWaterLakes #Mulmur #Brook #Scenic #Footpath
#footpath #scenic #brook #mulmur #springwaterlakes #waterfallwednesday
The #crows here are really skittish. One bit of glimpse of me inside the house and they will be gone.
#SpringWaterLakes #Mulmur #Nature #birds #birdPhoto
#birdphoto #birds #nature #mulmur #springwaterlakes #crows
It might not look like much but that dark slash from the base of the tree down to the running water is a spring coming out of the ground.
#SpringWaterLakes #Mulmur #Stream #Springs #Brook
#brook #springs #stream #mulmur #springwaterlakes
A little mist, a little drizzle, a little breeze.
#SpringWaterLakes #Mulmur #Pond
#pond #mulmur #springwaterlakes
I had the phone ready as I approached because the #ducks often spend time in this quiet corner and they react quickly. #bufflehead #mallard #SpringWaterLakes #Mulmur #Pond
#pond #mulmur #springwaterlakes #mallard #bufflehead #ducks
A beauty day. #SpringWaterLakes #Mulmur #Stream #Springs #Brook
#brook #springs #stream #mulmur #springwaterlakes