Fog Lifting at the Springwater Lodge by Terrill Welch, walnut oil on linen board,
11 x 14 inches.
In Private Collection
Artist notes: The heavy November morning fog in Active Pass starts to lift, revealing and concealing with equal amounts of effectiveness.
#art #painting #nature #ContemporaryArt #BritishColumbia #LandscapePainting
#SpringwaterLodge #MayneIsland #morning #MastoArt #ArtAdventCalendar Day 17
#art #painting #Nature #contemporaryart #britishcolumbia #landscapepainting #springwaterlodge #mayneisland #morning #MastoArt #artadventcalendar
Fog Lifting at the Springwater Lodge by Terrill Welch, walnut oil on linen board,
11 x 14 inches.
In Private Collection
Artist notes: The heavy November morning fog in Active Pass starts to lift, revealing and concealing with equal amounts of effectiveness.
#art #painting #nature #ContemporaryArt #BritishColumbia #LandscapePainting
#SpringwaterLodge #MayneIsland #morning #MastoArt #ArtAdventCalendar Day 17
#art #painting #Nature #contemporaryart #britishcolumbia #landscapepainting #springwaterlodge #mayneisland #morning #MastoArt #artadventcalendar