Enjoyed the Waste Detectives by Brian Hooker and Richard Moir the curse of those waiting tasks in a sprint and how to deal with then will resonate with so many people I work with.
#agile #sprintplanning #waysofworking #transformation #books #reading
#agile #sprintplanning #waysofworking #transformation #books #reading
Wenn ich auf #Arbeit beim #PlanningPoker nicht weiß, was ich wählen soll, nehme ich immer 2. Mit 2 Story Points bin ich immer gut dabei, denn 1 haben wir selten und 3 oder 5 geht idR zu hoch. Ab 8 Points splitten wir die Story. #SprintPlanning at its best. XD
#sprintplanning #PlanningPoker #arbeit
Planning for the week ahead. Assumes I have four hours per day to devote to non-work projects. Eight on Sunday. Square tasks are 1-4 hours as numbered; circle tasks are 45 minutes or less. #bulletjournal #sprintplanning #cursive #mildliners #bookdarts https://www.instagram.com/p/BqOvBJUBE6f/
#bulletjournal #sprintplanning #cursive #mildliners #bookdarts