#Sprout の作業が終わったので、次作のプログラミングを再開。
TX-6 をもうちょいお手軽にした感じのやつ。
新作モジュール #Sprout のデモ動画を作成しました。
デフォルトファームに入っている Tape Echo/Modern Delay/FDN Reverb の三つのエフェクトを紹介してます。
Decided to plant #sunflower seeds again this year. This time, I think I actually got the type I wanted (Topolino, which have several smaller flowers on a single plant). So far, it’s one cute #sprout and one that got eaten by a critter.
RT ÖDP - Die Naturschutzpartei
Neue Menschen kennenlernen, Horizont erweitern, gemeinsam Ideen entwickeln? Vom 3.-6. August findet das #Sprout Zukunftsfestival der ÖDP-Jugendorganisation @JungOekologisch, statt. Spaß, Workshops, Vorträge, Live-Musik... Infos, Programm und Tickets: https://sprout-zukunftsfestival.de/ https://t.co/dFBfwypJSW
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/oedp_de/status/1675384053938388992
#Greenhouse #seedlings update. Almost all seeds I sowed 5-8 days ago are starting to #sprout 👩🌾
#Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #BritishColumbia #Canada #GardenersOfMastodon #SDFgardeners #MastodonGardeners #GrowPlantsNotHate #PlantAGarden #WhatsInMyGreenhouse #FoodGardening #EdiblePlants #GrowFood #Food #plants #WhatImGrowing
#greenhouse #seedlings #sprout #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #britishcolumbia #canada #gardenersofmastodon #sdfgardeners #mastodongardeners #growplantsnothate #plantagarden #whatsinmygreenhouse #foodgardening #edibleplants #growfood #food #plants #whatimgrowing
I did it! After years since childhood trying to grow a sunflower 🌻 from seed! I have a seedling 🌱 sprouting 😭😭😭 this is one of the happiest moments in my gardening journey. 💚 #sunflowers #flowers #sprout #seedlings #gardening #achievements #childhooddreams #plants #beekeepingninja #wow #awesome #ididit #seeds #growing #spring #sunflower
#sunflowers #flowers #sprout #seedlings #gardening #achievements #childhooddreams #plants #beekeepingninja #wow #awesome #ididit #seeds #growing #spring #sunflower
Now, I don’t use #Android. I just say no. I like #privacy.
But if I did…🤔
If they want to continue with a #Natural #theme, they should go with a name like #Sprout and use a motto having something to do with the #future #growing from here
Could #Pebble Make a Comeback as a #SmallAndroidPhone?
#smallandroidphone #pebble #growing #future #sprout #theme #natural #privacy #Android
A young tree sprouts in a sliver of light in the space between boulders. Plants in alpine areas take hold in the unlikeliest of places, yet thrive where they logically should not.
The plant is too young for me to identify. If there is someone who knows, please advise me.
Found on the Panorama Track on kunanyi, near Hobart, Tasmania.
#lonetree #sprout #lifelessordinary #naturallight #naturephotography #tassie #discovertasmania #hikingadventures #lookdown #pentaxaustralia #hobartandbeyond
#lonetree #sprout #lifelessordinary #naturallight #naturephotography #tassie #discovertasmania #hikingadventures #lookdown #pentaxaustralia #hobartandbeyond
W #CSowyRozkladJazdy dzisiaj tylko mecze Polakow - faza grupowa #IEMKatowice2023 zostala zakonczona i czekamy juz na play-offy, ktore startuja w piatek
11:00 - #Illuminar (POL) vs #UGENTIUM (POL) - https://www.twitch.tv/fishthehusky (ENG)
14:00 - #Illuminar (POL) vs #IKLA (UKR) - https://www.twitch.tv/elisaesports (ENG)
15:30 - #Sprout (DEN) vs. #9INE (POL) - https://www.twitch.tv/troglodytaa (POL)
15:30 - #ENCE vs. #HONORIS - https://www.twitch.tv/elisaviihdesport2 (FIN)
20:00 #Tricked vs. #LosKogutos - https://www.twitch.tv/cct_en (ENG)
#csowyrozkladjazdy #iemkatowice2023 #illuminar #ugentium #ikla #sprout #9ine #ence #honoris #tricked #loskogutos #polskics #csgo #esport
Zobaczmy co dzis w #CSowyRozkladJazdy piszczy.
W #PolskiCS tylko jeden mecz - o 19:00 #9INE (POL) zagra z ekipa z Ameryki Poludniowej #9z - transmisja na https://www.twitch.tv/cct_en
Na #IEMKatowice2023 ostatni dzien fazy play-in i spotkania decydujace o byc albo nie byc:
- 16:00 #fnatic (EU) vs. #mibr (BRA)
- 16:00 #FURIA (BRA) vs. #IHC (Mongolia)
- 19:30 - #ENCE (EU / POL) vs. #Complexity (USA / CAN)
- 19:30 - #Spirit vs. #Sprout (DEN)
- https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgo_pl (POL)
- https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgo (ENG)
- https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgob (ENG)
#csowyrozkladjazdy #polskics #9ine #9z #iemkatowice2023 #fnatic #mibr #furia #IHC #ence #complexity #spirit #sprout #esport #csgo
Dzien dobry w ten jakze pochmurny dzien - na szczescie wczorajsze wygrane #OG na #IEMKatowice2023 powoduja, ze esportowo humory chyba calkiem niezle
Dzisiaj w #CSowyRozkladJazdy na poczatek 2 mecze #PolskiCS
- 13:00 #UNGENTIUM (PL) vs. #ENCEAcademy (FIN) - niestety na te chwile streamy dostepne jedynie w jezyku rosyjskim: https://www.twitch.tv/watchfulTV
- 16:00 - #Anonymo (PL) vs. #NAVIJunior (UKR) - https://www.twitch.tv/watchfulTV (RUS)
W #IEMKatowice2023 mecze decydujace o awansach i eliminacjach:
- 16:00 #Grayhound (AUS) vs. #MiBR (BRA)
- 16:00 - #IHC (MONG) vs. #paiN (BRA)
- 19:30 - #Permitta (PL) vs. #Complexity (USA/CAN)
- 19:30 - #EvilGeniuses (USA) vs. #Sprout (DEN)
Transmisje na https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgo_pl (PL), https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgo i https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgob (ENG)
#og #iemkatowice2023 #csowyrozkladjazdy #polskics #ungentium #enceacademy #anonymo #navijunior #grayhound #mibr #IHC #pain #permitta #complexity #evilgeniuses #sprout #esport #csgo
My little #hydroponic #sprout babies, these back two rows are lettuces, collards, and kales. The spinach didn't grow, so I dug the seed out and jammed a new one in, not at all sure if it'll work, tight fit. Bibb lettuce seems to be a little behind its friends.
Dzien dobry, to dzis jest ten dzien, na ktory czekaja kibice w Polsce - od dzis w #CSowyRozkladJazdy dominowal bedzie tylko jeden temat - #IEMKatowice2023!
Dzis rusza faza play-in czyli wstep do fazy grupowej. Mecze beda rozgrywane parami, czyli po dwa w tym samym czasie. W ekipie #OG zagra #f1ku, w #ENCE mamy #dycha, a do tego mamy jeden calkowicie polski zespol - #Permitta
- 11:00 - #ENCE (EU) vs #paiN (BRA)
- 11:00 - #Cloud9 (RUS) vs. #IHC (MONG)
- 12:15 - #MIBR (BRA) vs #NinjasInPyjamas (EU)
- 12:15 - #Spirit (RUS) vs. #Grayhound (AUS)
- 13:30 - #Sprout (DEN) vs. #OG (EU - POL)
- 13:30 - #fnatic (EU) vs. #EvilGeniuses (USA)
- 14:45 - #BIG (GER) vs. #Complexity (USA/CAN)
- 14:45 - #FURIA (BRA) vs. #Permitta (POL)
Transmisje na:
https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgo, https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgob (ENG) oraz https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgo_pl (PL)
Po zakonczeniu ostatniego spotkania ruszy kolejna kolejka, ale pary beda rozstawione w zaleznosci od wynikow pierwszej kolejki.
Oprocz tego, mamy jeszcze dwa spotkania #PolskiCS w mniejszych turniejach:
- 14:30 - #HONORIS (POL) vs. #MASONIC (DEN) - https://www.twitch.tv/fissure_csgo_eng (ENG)
- 19:00 - #9INE (POL) vs. #BLUEJAYS (Płn. Macedonia) - https://www.twitch.tv/cct_en
#csowyrozkladjazdy #iemkatowice2023 #og #f1ku #ence #dycha #permitta #pain #cloud9 #IHC #mibr #ninjasinpyjamas #spirit #grayhound #sprout #fnatic #evilgeniuses #big #complexity #furia #polskics #honoris #masonic #9ine #bluejays #esport #csgo
RT @H2020_SPROUT: 📢Register now for the #SPROUT final event!
On 17 February #SPROUT partners will present the project outcomes that will help cities to understand the #transition in urban mobility and navigate #FuturePolicy.
Register by 9 February👉https://sprout-civitas.eu/events/sprout-final-conference-understanding-the-transition-in-urban-mobility-to-navigate-future-policy
Limited spots!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/cinea_eu/status/1620003083949592578
#sprout #transition #FuturePolicy
Seven weeks to the day, 'til SPRING
03/20 5:24 pm EDT
#Spring #Equinox #springtime #longer #days #bulbs #growing #warm #earth #plants #sprout #happy #worms #year of the #rabbit
#spring #equinox #springtime #longer #Days #bulbs #growing #warm #earth #plants #sprout #happy #worms #year #rabbit