It was an honor to learn that "Social Lobbying" won the 2023 Joseph Bernd award for the best paper published in @The_JOP at this month's #spsa2023 conference!
Kudos to my fantastic co-authors Pam Lopez, @sarasadhwani & Antoine Yoshinaka!
Here's the description read at SPSA for award:
I've reached the espresso martini stage of conferencing #SPSA2023 #poliscidrinks
BRB writing an Article 15 communication to the ICC about the cold weather at #SPSA2023, which is a crime against humanity
Watched #thewomanking movie with Viola Davis on my flight home from #SPSA2023. It is one of the best movies I have ever seen. I highly recommend it! Here’s the trailer:
My coauthors and I are at #SPSA2023! We present our work on state level interest groups tomorrow morning at 9:30am. It is no secret that interest groups lobby heavily at the state level, yet systematic data on their activities and positions is hard to come by in statehouses. We aim to change that with our work!
Update from #spsa2023: My current blood type is a combination of coffee and mahi mahi.
We had a fantastic roundtable! #SPSA2023 #Latinxs #2022Elections
#spsa2023 #latinxs #2022Elections
They forgot to add “Conference” to the other verbs on this sign. #SPSA2023 #PoliticsOnTheBeach
So excited for our #Latinxs and the #2022Elections #SPSA2023 roundtable. Join us in the Banyan Room!
#latinxs #2022Elections #spsa2023
Any #publicadministration people at #SPSA2023? @adclarkphd and I are here and navigating the post-twit conference world!
#publicadministration #spsa2023
I’m ready for #SPSA2023! Join us tomorrow, Thursday, at 930am for the #Latinxs and the #2022Elections roundtable featuring work by Natasha Altema, Gabriel Sanchez, Liz Lebron, Gabi Vitela and Matt Barreto.
#spsa2023 #latinxs #2022Elections
The FAA was concerned I hadn't started my #SPSA2023 slides yet, and wanted to make sure I had time to do them at JFK. Sorry if this inconvenienced anyone!
I’ll be at #SPSA2023 presenting work with Joseph Anthony and Ellen Key on teaching controversial topics in Intro classes on Saturday. Come say hi.
Heading to #SPSA2023 tomorrow. Will be there from Wednesday afternoon until Sunday morning. DM/reply/just tap me on the shoulder in the lobby if you want to meet or catch up.
Even though I've been going to conferences for a few years now, I still always feel a little nervous ahead of time. Will I find people to get dinner? Will I get invited into groups and to happy hours? It's always great and fun, but I think it's still a normal feeling. With that in mind: if you're headed to #spsa2023 and want to grab a coffee or a drink or anything else, please feel totally comfortable to reach out!!
Time to start thinking about #SPSA2023! Who's going? If you're interested in voting and election administration, be sure to come by the CWC!
Nerd alert but this is super interesting as I'm working on my #SPSA2023 paper. I'm trying to get a handle on whether geodesic ("as the crow flies") distances to polling places do a good job of estimating accessibility. In MA, there's a big departure between these measures. In fact, after accounting for geodesic distance, nonwhite voters have travel times 10% higher than white voters. (Here's standardized (log) distance against standardized (log) travel time)