Jacob Olie · @jacobolie
79 followers · 169 posts · Server mas.to

Today's photo: Spuistraat - south (1899).

[EN] Spuistraat viewed towards Spui. In the middle is Fred Stähle's luxury bakery. The building was built in 1898 and was designed by Gerrit van Arkel in Art Nouveau style. […]

[NL] Spuistraat gezien naar het Spui. In het midden de luxebakkerij van Fred Stähle, een gebouw uit 1898 ontworpen door Gerrit van Arkel in de stijl van de art nouveau. […]

Via 020apps.nl/olie/random/

#gerritvanarkel #dekrijtberg #spuistraat #jacobolie #amsterdam

Last updated 2 years ago

Fox · @fox
124 followers · 184 posts · Server cytag.nl

The Bungehuis is a monumental office building on the Spuistraat, Amsterdam, built in 1934. In 1971 the building was rented by the University of Amsterdam, which used it to house the department of humanities and later purchased it. The building is a state monument.

More about the building style: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Function

Amsterdam, 2019

#1934 #1971

#bungehuis #amsterdam #spuistraat #university #architecture #functionalism #photography

Last updated 2 years ago