Earlier this week I released version 0.5.1 of spyder-notebook, a plugin for Spyder (the scientific Python IDE) which can display and run Jupyter notebooks. More info on GitHub: https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder-notebook
This version is based on the new Jupyter Lab v4 and the even newer Jupyter Notebook v7. The latter was announced in this blog post: https://blog.jupyter.org/announcing-jupyter-notebook-7-8d6d66126dcf
The new Jupyter Notebook version is a massive improvement for us because it allows us to follow Jupyter more closely. An important benefit for users is that any Jupyter extensions can now be used inside Spyder (fair warning: not all extensions are yet updated to work with Jupyter Lab v4).
Thanks to all the people at Jupyter Notebook and the wider Jupyter ecosystem for their work, the open architecture making it easy to build on their products.
#python #jupyter #JupyterNotebook #spyder
J'utilise #spyder pour coder en python, #nano pour éditer des fichiers via ssh, #gedit pour les petits fichiers textes, #texstudio pour LaTeX et #vim pour... éditer ~/.vimrc 😅
Ça devient invivable il faut que je rationalise. Après analyse, il me semble qu' un #neovim bien configuré soit la solution idéale, difficile à prendre en main certes, mais ultra puissante.
Ne reste "plus qu'à" :
- bien gérer la config
- m'évertuer à toujours vraiment l'utiliser sans retourner vers la facilité
#neovim #vim #texstudio #gedit #nano #spyder
We released new versions of two plugins for Spyder, the open-source scientific environment for Python.
spyder-unittest is a plugin for running automatic tests and viewing the results. We released version 0.6.0, a major update with new features. Github URL: https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder-unittest
spyder-line-profiler is a plugin for profiling code line by line. We released version 0.3.2, a small update with some bug fixes. Github URL: https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder-line-profiler
@BigEatie I think #VSCode is a good option. If she wants to learn any other language she, most probably, can continue with it and jump fro one project to another. Also there's a good amount of extensions that can make life easier. She can embed the terminal... Other IDE's too narrowed to #Python.
I agree that setting up VSCode can take time and sometimes it is too complex.
#Jupyter is also good as some others state. #Spyder can be an option as it's fully focused on Python and you can configure all panels, follow variables and all that nice to have.
#spyder #jupyter #python #vscode
Noticias sobre Python y Datos de la semana, episodio 73 🐍⚙️
En resumen: Versiones nuevas de JupySQL, Modin, Prefect y más, machine learning "doble", detección de comunidades en grafos, ojo a la chi2 de scikit-learn, y noticias del viejo Spyder
Apoya el noticiero suscribiéndote por correo 📬
#python #pydata #jupysql #ploomber #modin #prefect #doubleml #networkx #sklearn #spyder
#python #PyData #jupysql #ploomber #modin #prefect #DoubleML #networkx #Sklearn #spyder
The facts that python's `range' function
(a) doesn't return an actual list, and
(b) generates a half-open interval instead of a closed interval
...have caused about as much swearing today as the fact that you can't turn off spyder's paren/ bracket/ brace highlighting.
Python is a perfectly fine language, except for the design.
Spyder is a perfectly fine IDE, except for the bogus editor.
#python #spyder
Is Spyder able to run Textual apps? I keep on getting
“RuntimeError: This event loop is already running”
when trying to run an app. The app variable shows in the Variable Explorer and the code runs in the terminal with no issues. Is there a setting in Spyder I need to change?
Wrapped up my #Chicago trip this week. Resetting the #Spyder video processors for the new graphics workflow. #SoldierField #DaBears
#chicago #spyder #soldierfield #dabears
The #Spyder video processors are all setup at #SoldierField
Video looks good. You are welcome #Bears fans. #Chicago
#spyder #soldierfield #bears #chicago
STEEL PANTHER's MICHAEL STARR On New Bassist SPYDER: 'We've Known Each Other For 25 Years'
In a new interview with the "Heavy Handed" podcast, STEEL PANTHER singer Michael Starr reflected on the band's recent search for a new bassist following the July 2021 exit of Lexxi Foxx. Reflecting on how Joe "Spyder" Lester ended up...
#SteelPanthers #MichaelStarr #NewBassist #Spyder #25YearFriendship #MelodicMetalBand #GlamMetalHits
#themetaldogarticlelist #blaermouth #steelpanthers #MichaelStarr #newbassist #spyder #25yearfriendship #melodicmetalband #glammetalhits
If any or all of these #hashtags apply to you. Please ping me. #SpyderMan would like to network and connect.
#Sports #Broadcasting #Team #ControlRoom #ChristieDigital #Spyder #VideoProcessor #Daktronics #LEDboards #Ross #Switcher #Expression #Stadium #NFL #Arena #NBA #MLB #NHL #CollegeSports
#hashtags #spyderman #sports #broadcasting #team #controlroom #christiedigital #spyder #videoprocessor #daktronics #ledboards #ross #switcher #expression #stadium #nfl #arena #nba #mlb #nhl #collegesports
@oldoldcojote I don't think I have used the front end in 15 year. #Rstudio and ESS plug-in for #emacs have been the front ends I use.
For Python I stick with #spyder
So, I love #rstats and #rstudio, but for my next class I have to learn #python and #spyder. I'm not mad about it- been meaning to learn Python for a while. Tell me, #datascience people, what parts of this journey will I enjoy? Despise?
#rstats #rstudio #python #spyder #datascience