Russian Espionage Group Updates Custom Malware Suite - Turla has outfitted a trio of backdoors with new C2 tricks and increased interop, as seen in an at... #remoteaccesstrojan #secondstagemalware #commandandcontrol #governmenttarget #malwareanalysis #custommalware #venomousbear #cyberattack #government #hyperstack #accenture #espionage #ouroboros #backdoor #pastebin #spygroup #uroboros #waterbug #malware #carbon #europe #rat
#rat #europe #carbon #malware #waterbug #uroboros #spygroup #pastebin #backdoor #ouroboros #espionage #accenture #hyperstack #government #cyberattack #venomousbear #custommalware #malwareanalysis #governmenttarget #commandandcontrol #secondstagemalware #remoteaccesstrojan
NSA Warns of Sandworm Backdoor Attacks on Mail Servers - The Russian spy group, a.k.a. BlackEnergy, is actively compromising Exim mail servers via a critic... more: #criticalvulnerability #vulnerabilities #cve-2019-10149 #cyberattacks #websecurity #blackenergy #government #mailserver #sandworm #spygroup #exploit #warning #russia #exim #nsa
#nsa #exim #russia #warning #exploit #spygroup #sandworm #mailserver #government #blackenergy #websecurity #cyberattacks #cve #vulnerabilities #criticalvulnerability