The Chinese Visitor (1965), James Eastwood’s first Anna Zordan spy novel. It belongs to the sexy lady spy sub-genre. Anna is an expert seductress which is useful although she can certainly handle herself in other situations. Good fun.
My review:
#pulpfiction #spies #spynovel #spynovels #spyfiction #spythriller #spythrillers #ladyspies #AnnaZordan
#pulpfiction #spies #spynovel #spynovels #spyfiction #SpyThriller #spythrillers #ladyspies #annazordan
Kenneth Royce’s 1970 spy novel The XYY Man is about a cat burglar recruited as a spy but with an interesting psychiatric twist. He can't help being a thief. Gritty, action-packed with a serious edge and highly entertaining. Highly recommended.
My review:
#spies #spyfiction #spynovel #spynovels #KennethRoyce #spythriller #spythrillers
#spies #spyfiction #spynovel #spynovels #kennethroyce #SpyThriller #spythrillers
The Bright Blue Death, a 1967 Nick Carter Killmaster spy novel. There are super-lasers and a dead scientist who has turned blue, literally. There's a splendid crazy bad girl and a fine kinky megalomaniac villain. Great pulp spy thriller stuff.
My review:
#spies #spynovel #spynovels #spyfiction #vintagethriller #vintagethrillers #pulpfiction #nickcarter #nickcarterkillmaster
#spies #spynovel #spynovels #spyfiction #vintagethriller #vintagethrillers #pulpfiction #nickcarter #nickcarterkillmaster
I, Lucifer (1967), the third of Peter O’Donnell’s superb Modesty Blaise novels. Modesty finds herself up against Lucifer, a disturbed young man with unusual powers. He thinks he is Lucifer. The novel is clever, witty and great fun.
My review:
#spies #spynovel #spynovels #spyfiction #PeterODonnell #ModestyBlaise
#spies #spynovel #spynovels #spyfiction #peterodonnell #modestyblaise
E. Howard Hunt, Watergate conspirator and CIA agent, wrote many excellent hardboiled crime and spy novels. As David St John he wrote Diabolus in 1971. A hugely enjoyable lurid occult/spy thriller featuring drugs, satanic cults and sex orgies.
My review:
#spynovel #spynovels #spies #spyfiction #occultthriller #occultthrillers #EHowardHunt #pulpfiction
#spynovel #spynovels #spies #spyfiction #occultthriller #occultthrillers #ehowardhunt #pulpfiction
Francis Durbridge's The World of Tim Frazer is a 1962 spy novel based on his 1960-61 TV serial (which sadly has not survived). A very ordinary man gets mixed up in the murky world of espionage, just the sort of thing Durbridge did very well.
My review:
#spies #spynovel #spynovels #spyfiction #vintagethriller #vintagethrillers #FrancisDurbridge
#spies #spynovel #spynovels #spyfiction #vintagethriller #vintagethrillers #francisdurbridge
Mickey Spillane’s 1967 spy thriller The Delta Factor. A thief is forced to do a job for the government, breaking a scientist out of an impregnable 17th century fortress. He also wants revenge. Fun, and more lighthearted than his Hammer books.
My review:
#spynovel #spynovels #spies #spyfiction #MickeySpillane #vintagethriller #vintagethrillers
#spynovel #spynovels #spies #spyfiction #mickeyspillane #vintagethriller #vintagethrillers
🎨 Robert McGinnis
🎵 Sparks
#ModestyBlaise #RobertMcGinnis #Sparks #ModestyPlays #MonicaVitti #PeterODonnell #SpyNovels #Illustration #VintagePaperbacks #Bookstodon
#modestyblaise #robertmcginnis #sparks #modestyplays #monicavitti #peterodonnell #spynovels #illustration #vintagepaperbacks #bookstodon
Hammerhead (AKA Shockwave), a violent action-packed 1963 Johnny Fedora spy thriller by Desmond Cory. Fedora, a ruthless British spy with a licence to kill, was created in 1951, a year before Bond.
My review:
#vintagethriller #vintagethrillers #spies #spynovel #spynovels #spyfiction #DesmondCory #JohnnyFedora
#vintagethriller #vintagethrillers #spies #spynovel #spynovels #spyfiction #desmondcory #johnnyfedora
Dead Duck is an original 1966 novel inspired by the TV series The Avengers. It was credited to Patrick Macnee but was written by Peter Leslie. People keep dying and they've all eaten duck. An engagingly offbeat story with a fine crazy finale.
My review:
#culttv #retrotv #vintagetv #spytv #spies #TheAvengers #PatrickMacnee #tvtieinnovels #spyfiction #spynovel #spynovels
#culttv #retrotv #vintagetv #spytv #spies #theavengers #patrickmacnee #tvtieinnovels #spyfiction #spynovel #spynovels
A.S. Fleischman's 1953 spy thriller Danger in Paradise. An American in Bali is handed a package by a girl. She is killed, except that that's not possible.
Excitement, intrigue, dangerous sexy women, romance and a very solid plot. Great stuff.
My review:
#spynovel #spynovels #spyfiction #spies #thrillers #vintage thrillers #ASFleischman #spythriller #spythrillers
#spynovel #spynovels #spyfiction #spies #thrillers #vintage #asfleischman #SpyThriller #spythrillers
John Flagg's spy novel The Lady and the Cheetah (1951). A reporter finds himself suddenly famous, and is offered a job by a countess, to retrieve some letters. The job is not so simple.
A clever plot, the ending is good and there is indeed a cheetah. Her name is Iris and she plays an important role in the story.
My review:
#spynovel #spynovels #spyfiction #spies #thrillers #vintage thrillers #JohnFlagg
#spynovel #spynovels #spyfiction #spies #thrillers #vintage #johnflagg
Len Deighton’s Horse Under Water (1963), the second unnamed spy novel, with typical Deighton labyrinthine plot twists. A cache of counterfeit money has to be retrieved from a sunken German U-boat, but not even the unnamed spy's boss knows what the real mission is. Great stuff.
My review:
#spynovel #spynovels #spyfiction #spies #vintage thriller #vintage thrillers #Len Deighton
#spynovel #spynovels #spyfiction #spies #vintage #len
John Flagg's Death and the Naked Lady is a 1951 spy novel starts when the hero finds the jade owls in his luggage. They're not his and they're going to lead to trouble. Plus there are three femmes fatales to deal with.
Fast-paced and enjoyable with a nicely devious plot.
My review:
#JohnFlagg #Spies #spynovels #spynovel #spyfiction #vintagethrillers #thrillers
#johnflagg #spies #spynovels #spynovel #spyfiction #vintagethrillers #thrillers
Tong in Cheek (1973), 2nd of Gardner Francis Fox’s Cherry Delight sexy spy thrillers written under the name Glen Chase.
Cherry is a secret agent working for N.Y.M.P.H.O., a shadowy top-secret US government agency.
This time she is up against an alliance between the Mafia and Chinese tongs.
If spy sleaze is your thing you’ll enjoy it.
My review:
#spynovels #spynovel #Spies #spyfiction #vintagesleaze #sleazefiction #GardnerFrancisFox #spythriller #spythrillers
#spynovels #spynovel #spies #spyfiction #vintagesleaze #sleazefiction #gardnerfrancisfox #SpyThriller #spythrillers
Assignment Helene (1959), an excellent Sam Durell spy novel written by Edward S. Aarons.
Durell ends up in the jungle on the track of gun-runners with two beautiful women, both decidedly untrustworthy, an equally untrustworthy US diplomat and a broken-down American ex-CIA agent.
There's a good mystery here, and there's action.
My review:
#pulpfiction #spies #spythrillers #spythriller #spynovel #spynovels #thrillers #vintagethrillers #EdwardSAarons #SamDurell
#pulpfiction #spies #spythrillers #SpyThriller #spynovel #spynovels #thrillers #vintagethrillers #edwardsaarons #samdurell
New Yorker: John le Carré’s Search for a Vocation #NewYorker #Books/Page-Turner #JohnleCarre #SpyNovels #Writers #Letters
#newyorker #books #johnlecarre #spynovels #writers #letters
Ian Fleming's Octopussy and The Living Daylights. Two late short stories that show Fleming exploring possibilities for varying the Bond formula.
Much darker and more cynical than most of the novels. The Living Daylights has Bond displaying almost Deightonesque levels of cynicism. Octopussy, like The Spy Who Loved Me, is quite experimental with Bond appearing very late.
Two excellent stories.
My review:
#IanFleming #jamesbond #spyfiction #spies #spynovels #Octopussy
#ianfleming #jamesbond #spyfiction #spies #spynovels #octopussy
my best 2022 spy reads
F. Van Wyck Mason’s The Shanghai Bund Murders (1933)
Peter O’Donnell's Sabre-Tooth (Modesty Blaise 2, 1966)
Ian Fleming's The Spy Who Loved Me (1962) which many hate but I liked a lot
John Flagg's The Persian Cat (1950)
#spies #spyfiction #spynovels #PeterODonnell #IanFleming #JohnFlagg #VanWyckMason #FVanWyckMason #thrillers #vintagethrillers
#spies #spyfiction #spynovels #peterodonnell #ianfleming #johnflagg #vanwyckmason #fvanwyckmason #thrillers #vintagethrillers
I know there are alternatives, but I enjoy #goodreads
Join me and let's get inspired by each other's #reading :)
#biographies #Bandedesinees #graphicnovels #spynovels #thrillers #policenovels #lecture
#lecture #policenovels #thrillers #spynovels #graphicnovels #bandedesinees #biographies #reading #goodreads