I've posted a new blog on PSPO at https://www.sqljared.com/blog/pspo-update-and-observations/. This blog has links for a known issue, updates a previous script using sys.query_store_query_variant, and discusses PSPO plans with multiple variables. #sqlfamily #sqlblog
A quick little post about using DATEDIFF... #sqlblog
My #tsql2sday post is up just before the deadline:
Using Azure Automation and Runbooks to Run Azure SQL Database Maintenance Tasks https://tracyboggiano.com/archive/2023/06/using-azure-automation-and-runbooks-to-run-azure-sql-database-maintenance-tasks/ #sqlblog #powershell #automation
#sqlblog #powershell #automation
I've posted a second blog about PSP Optimization at https://www.sqljared.com/blog/variant-queries-in-query-store/. Check it out to see why you may need to update your Query Store scripts for #SQLServer2022. #sqlfamily #sqlblog
#sqlserver2022 #sqlfamily #sqlblog
My latest blog on Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization in SQL Server 2022 is up at https://www.sqljared.com/blog/parameter-sensitive-plan-optimization/. My next post will be on this subject as well, discussing an issue that may affect your Query Store scripts! #sqlfamily #sqlblog
#SQLBlog #SQLServer Using the new CETAS functionality (Generally available!) to export data from my Managed Instance to Parquet files in Azure Blob Storage. You can do folder paths, partition on dates, etc. This is freaking fantastic! I wrote python scripts using Apache Arrow to do this, and I already prefer this.
Posted a new blog about Manual Halloween protections and how this coding technique can allow you to skip unnecessary write operations at https://www.sqljared.com/blog/manual-halloween/. #sqlfamily #sqlblog
#tsql2sday 161 Having Fun with SQL
Thanks @2meterdba
#SQLBlog abusing DECLARE @VAR=VARCHAR for fun. https://www.blogger.com/u/1/blog/posts/1434113132981005034 #SQLServer
oooh, Mastodon has a longer limit!
Run this. Do you get what you expected? I certainly didn't.
SET @blah = '123456'
SELECT @blah
DECLARE @date DATETIME=getdate()
SELECT @blah = CONVERT(VARCHAR, @date, 112)
SELECT @blah
#SQLblog Using Extended Events to capture and read all the ugly Severity 10+ errors in your code that the app is ignoring. https://thebakingdba.blogspot.com/2023/02/severity-10-using-extended-events-to.html , and I'm curious whether the Bird or the Furry Mammal will get more love. :D #SQLServer
My latest blog on the Halloween Problem is up at https://www.sqljared.com/blog/halloween-problem-examples-for-updates/. Complete with examples showing the typical protections and some performance numbers. #sqlfamily #sqlblog
The follow up #sqlblog post about that issue I had. Throwing OPENROWSET and error handling in with dynamic SQL...
NEW BLOG: Tempdb Performance Improvements in SQL Server 2022 are Dramatic https://sqlespresso.com/2023/02/01/tempdb-performance-improvements-in-sql-server-2022-are-dramatic/ #sqlserver #sqlfamily #sqlblog #azuredatacommunity
#azuredatacommunity #sqlblog #sqlfamily #sqlserver
Inspired to throw together a #sqlblog post by as I was working through an issue. Let's start by talking about dynamic SQL.
My latest blog on tempdb contention is up at https://sqljared.com/blog/tempdb-contention-in-2023/. I discuss improvements that minimize its effects and have several useful links on the subject. #sqlblog #sqlfamily
Script to Install the Tools I Use on My Jumpbox #sqlblog https://tracyboggiano.com/archive/2023/01/script-to-install-the-tools-i-use-on-my-jumpbox/
Impact of Eliminating Implicit Conversions in JDBC Driver #SQLServer #SQLBlog #Performance https://tracyboggiano.com/archive/2023/01/eliminating-implicit-conversions-jdbc-driver/
#sqlserver #sqlblog #performance
Posted my last blog about being an introvert at #PASSDataCommunitySummit and how I approached the networking opportunities there at https://www.sqljared.com/blog/introversion-and-pass-summit/. Happy new year, #sqlfamily! #sqlblog
#passdatacommunitysummit #sqlfamily #sqlblog
Going through my notes of blog post ideas, I found that I had put something together months ago but never got around to publishing. Let's fix that, shall we? #NeverToLateToPost #sqlblog