#SQLHelp I have a stored procedure that's called thousands of times a minute, concurrently by 20+ threads.
How does an ALTER on it work? I assume it needs a schema lock to do so, but would it just start blocking new executions until the existing executions are done, then perform the ALTER?
#sqlhelp Is there a way to get Azure Data Studio to recognize SETVAR and SQLCMD variables?
Hello all,
I'm looking to find a way to enable system versioning (temporal tables) on an existing table "online"
Is there any way in Azure Data Studio to force the ctrl-tab tab navigation shortcut to respect the left-to-right order of open tabs, and not the order in which the tabs have been most recently accessed?
#azuredatastudio #sqlhelp #sqlfamily
#SQLHelp #Azure anybody run into issues on Azure Managed Instance where an extended event is hours behind/delayed, even if it's an in-memory target? I thought it was busted, but in the past 15 minutes it's pulled in events from over a 3 hour period.
(posted this in twitter, too - unsure how many of us are still over here)
#sqlhelp I'm trying to decipher an issue with a union all view between to databases that has instead of triggers on it. The insert trigger works but update and delete throw "UNION ALL view not updatable because a partitioning column was not found"
SQL server 2016 and both databases are 130
@DaveMasonDotMe deligate that account the "Validated write to service principle name" on the domain in AD. See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2008-R2-and-2008/cc731241(v=ws.10)?redirectedfrom=MSDN in the "Delegates Authority to Modify SPNs section #sqlhelp
@Lincolncyber Please don't advertise in the #sqlhelp hash tag. We try and keep this hash tag for questions, not advertisments.
Advertising to this hash tag is the quickest way for your account to be blocked by your target audience.
@lincolncyber Please don't advertise in the #sqlhelp hash tag. We try and keep this hash tag for questions, not advertisments.
Advertising to this hash tag is the quickest way for your account to be blocked by your target audience.
Finding Uses for ChatGPT: Building SQL Queries. https://medium.com/@grant_on_the_line/finding-uses-for-chatgpt-building-sql-queries-a8f0d53f4e1d?source=userActivityShare-b59bc95e227f-1681789340
#ai #ChatGPT #Artificial_Intelligence #database #SQL #sqlhelp #SQLServer #howto
#ai #chatgpt #artificial_intelligence #database #sql #sqlhelp #sqlserver #howto
Finding Uses for ChatGPT: Building SQL Queries. https://medium.com/@grant_on_the_line/finding-uses-for-chatgpt-building-sql-queries-a8f0d53f4e1d?source=userActivityShare-b59bc95e227f-1681789340
#ai #ChatGPT #Artificial_Intelligence #database #SQL #sqlhelp #SQLServer #howto
#ai #chatgpt #artificial_intelligence #database #sql #sqlhelp #sqlserver #howto
Looking for ways to assess apps prior to any testing when migrating to Azure SQL PaaS options - DMA and ADS are great for looking at the source database but what if the apps run incompatible queries once connected? #sqlhelp #sqlserver #SQLFamily #azure #AzureData #azuredatacommunity
#sqlhelp #sqlserver #sqlfamily #azure #azuredata #azuredatacommunity
@leemarkum IS the database busy? You might just need a larger QS. I know that we've had to set some clients QS to be 10s of Gigs or higher. #sqlhelp
After I looked at the properties for this Query Store that is producing dumps every 15 minutes, I noticed that the allocated space is full. "Size based cleanup" is set to auto, and the QS is set to 4gb. The properties dialog shows Query Store Available as zero mb. I am making a support ticket. #sqlhelp
I have an Extended Event that records anything over severity 10 to the ring buffer. I've used it plenty of places so I don't think there's anything special about it on the Managed Instance.
It shows that it's an active session but there have been plenty of errors that ought to be there that aren't. Before I stop and restart the session, any idea on what's awry here? #sqlhelp
Session definition as image otherwise it's too long of a toot
Trying and failing to create a trigger which deletes all of the jobs associated with a database when someone invokes the following command:
DROP DATABASE databaseName
I've tried accessing the ObjectName field in EVENTDATA but i keep getting nulls. almost at the end of my tether!
#sqlhelp #sqlserver #sqlsupport
What is your approach to auditors and #SQLServer? Do you...
1️⃣ Give them absolutely everything and let them sort it out, knowing they probably have little understanding of SQL's Authentication/Authorization model.
2️⃣ Give them as little as possible (eg A list of logins with sysadmin membership).
3️⃣ Give them something in between.
Is there a way to suppress the "You are not logged in as the database owner or system administrator" warning in SQL Server Management Studio? ⚠
I've skimmed the #SSMS options, but haven't found anything. Maybe a registry setting exists?
Please note: I am not seeking help with SQL Server authentication/authorizations. This is strictly an SSMS question.
Fun fact for the #sqlhelp crowd. Make sure the databases actually exist in the templates folder before running setup.exe with the REBUILDDATABASE action. Otherwise you end up with zero viable system databases.
-- in the end the template DBs can be copied from media as well.
#sqlhelp #sqlfamily any experts out there using Airflow and DAGs against Snowflake and DBT that I can ping for some architectural questions about breaking out our environment to be PROD and STAGE worthy instead of a single environment?