My #GitHub repos have come a long way since this one for #AzureSynapse.
I now have some for #sqlserver and #MicrosoftFabric as well, which have been spotted out in the wild.
Plus, a lot of them have populated wikis.
If you do use any of them feel free to give them a star in #GitHub #AzureDevOps #GitHubActions
#github #AzureSynapse #sqlserver #microsoftfabric #AzureDevOps #githubactions
What are all the methods you can use to install #sqlserver?
1. Basic click-thru
2. Setup.exe w/Configuration File
3. Dbatools: Install-DbaInstance
4. Chocolatey: choco install sql-server-2022
5. SqlServerDSC
6. Ansible ( via SqlServerDSC/Dbatools )
7. Docker container
SentryOne is a monitoring suite for #SQLServer and other databases.
Its UI was designed by a Cenobite.
#sqlserver #azuredevops Is anyone using #azuredevops to deploy database changes? What has been your experience? What successful strategies did you use to deploy db changes.
The #sqlserver and #sqlfamily crowd is quite active over there. I just got on there last week and don't have any invites yet, but once I do, I will share here. Right now it is okay. Not seeing a lot of political posts, which is good, but it is young, and it all depends on who you follow.
Spent quite a chunk of time in the #SaltMine too. Not really used to that. Kinda like my time off! I'm pretty comfortable with the tech stack ( #Blazor, #CSharp, #SQL, #SQLServer), so I spent some time getting the work project set up and running. Spent way too long setting up a Linked Server to a local Access database. Googling for answers brought in too many crazy "answers". So annoying. The actual solution was pretty easy.
#saltmine #blazor #csharp #sql #sqlserver
The latest release of PSBlitz:
- has been updated with the latest sp_Blitz, sp_BlitzCache, sp_BlitzFirst, sp_BlitzIndex, sp_BlitzLock, and sp_BlitzWho, from Brent Ozar's August release of the First Responder Kit
- outputs execution plans for queries involved in deadlocks if they are still in the cache.
- adds a new report page containing deadlock-related execution plan info
#sqlserver #sqldba #powershell #microsoftsqlserver #mssqlserver #mssql #mssqldba #PSBlitz
#sqlserver #sqldba #powershell #microsoftsqlserver #mssqlserver #mssql #mssqldba #psblitz
It's a busy week. Today we're announcing the general availability of the end-to-end Azure portal experience to deploy a multi-subnet Availability Group for SQL Server on Azure VMs. #AzureSQL #SQLServer
I’m Michael and this is my #introduction post.
I am an aspiring #iOSDev who loves working with #Swift and #SwiftUI. I am developing an app called QuizFolks.
#Running is my favourite exercise, but I also love #walking, #core, #strength, #hiit - I very much like using Apple’s #FitnessPlus service.
I’m married to the most excellent woman, who makes me a better person. She is also a bit geeky like me 😀
Professionally, I’m a Microsoft #SQLServer chap, working in the data warehouse domain.
#introduction #iosdev #swift #swiftui #running #walking #core #strength #hiit #fitnessplus #sqlserver
Announcing a new public preview of enhanced patching for SQL Server on Azure VMs using Azure Update Manager. SQL Server CUs can be patched automatically with this service. #SQLServer #AzureSQL comes close to solving this problem for us, but it is not really designed for that. Looking for something that all members of the DevOps team could access (we are a remote team), but that the server could access as well. So, #SqlServer and #RavenDB would back up to it directly, but we could pull down the backup files locally if necessary. (2/x)
Hi all, updated the below #MicrosoftFabric posts to include the fact that paginated reports are now supported by Microsoft Fabric Git integration #PowerBI #SQLServer
#microsoftfabric #powerbi #sqlserver
This is just a brief post containing a script to get table sizes in SQL Server, along with some other information like table type, number of records, partition count, compression type, number of nonclustered indexes and their total size.
#sqlserver #sqldba #microsoftsqlserver #mssqlserver #mssql #mssqldba #dba #tsql
#sqlserver #sqldba #microsoftsqlserver #mssqlserver #mssql #mssqldba #dba #tsql
Denny Cherry Blogged: Denny Cherry #sqlserver
In this post I’ll cover ways of speeding up SELECT COUNT as well as some myths about best practices when it comes to SELECT COUNT.
#sqlserver #sqldba #microsoftsqlserver #mssqlserver #mssql #mssqldba
#sqlserver #sqldba #microsoftsqlserver #mssqlserver #mssql #mssqldba
ICYMI: There will be an awesome talk in a couple of minutes.
@Jpomfret will talk about #dbatools and how to manage #replication with them.
Make your #DBA life easier
/cc @dbatools
#dbatools #replication #DBA #sqlserver #powershell
New blog post.
My world the past 6 months and the future of SQL Agent Insight.
New blog post.
The last 6 months and the future of SQL Agent Insight.
Meagan Longoria Blogged: Meagan Longoria #sqlserver
Am I the only one to really prefer #sqlserver #mssql compared to #postgresql and #mysql ? 😆
I love the features, quality of the tooling and backup management.
Just a shame than this one is not open source, and still waiting for ARM support (until that there is Azure SQL edge that is kind of equivalent).
And you what is your favorite and why ?
#dotnet #python #sqlserver #mssql #postgresql #mysql #developer #sre #devops #dba #database