Published last month. Covers recommended Microsoft SQL Server certifications and badges. #Azure #dp300 #MicrosoftLearn #SQLFamily #SQLSkills #SQLServer
#azure #dp300 #microsoftlearn #sqlfamily #sqlskills #sqlserver
Published yesterday. Covers recommended Microsoft SQL Server certifications and badges #DP300 #MicrosoftLearn #SQLFamily #SQLServer #SQLSkills
#dp300 #microsoftlearn #sqlfamily #sqlserver #sqlskills
Covers recommended Microsoft SQL Server certifications and badges #DP300 #MicrosoftLearn #SQLServer #SQLSkills
#dp300 #microsoftlearn #sqlserver #sqlskills
After waiting long enough I finally decided to take the plunge and update my main laptop to Windows 11 this week.
Just for good measure I finally applied for my #SQLskills badge as well.