Polly explores the pros of the best podcasting platforms, emphasizing their reliability and user-friendliness.
Read more 👉 https://lttr.ai/AGnkh
#riversidefm #streamyard #podcaster #remoterecording #recording #squadcast #podcasters #Podcasting #RemoteRecordingPlatform
#riversidefm #streamyard #podcaster #remoterecording #recording #squadcast #podcasters #podcasting #remoterecordingplatform
The Top Podcasting Platforms: Reliability, Ease of Use, and Guest-Friendly Features
Read the full article: How to Choose the Right Remote Recording Platform: A Guide for Podcasters
â–¸ https://lttr.ai/AGUMK
#riversidefm #streamyard #podcaster #remoterecording #recording #squadcast #podcasters #Podcasting #RemoteRecordingPlatform
#riversidefm #streamyard #podcaster #remoterecording #recording #squadcast #podcasters #podcasting #remoterecordingplatform
For full reviews of popular options like Riverside.fm, Squadcast, Zencastr, and StreamYard, along with emerging platforms like Podcastle AI and Boomcaster — visit podcastingresourcesguide.com
Read more 👉 https://lttr.ai/AFdXp
#riversidefm #streamyard #podcaster #remoterecording #recording #squadcast #podcasters #Podcasting #RemoteRecordingPlatform
#riversidefm #streamyard #podcaster #remoterecording #recording #squadcast #podcasters #podcasting #remoterecordingplatform
Choosing the right remote recording platform can significantly impact your podcasting experience.
Read the full article: How to Choose the Right Remote Recording Platform: A Guide for Podcasters
â–¸ https://lttr.ai/AFN9t
#riversidefm #streamyard #podcaster #remoterecording #recording #squadcast #podcasters #Podcasting #RemoteRecordingPlatform
#riversidefm #streamyard #podcaster #remoterecording #recording #squadcast #podcasters #podcasting #remoterecordingplatform
Essential factors to consider when selecting a remote recording platform for podcasting.
Read more 👉 https://lttr.ai/AFELW
#riversidefm #streamyard #podcaster #remoterecording #recording #squadcast #podcasters #Podcasting #RemoteRecordingPlatform
#riversidefm #streamyard #podcaster #remoterecording #recording #squadcast #podcasters #podcasting #remoterecordingplatform
A "double ender" in podcasting refers to a remote recording solution where both the host and the remote guest or guests each record their own audio locally.
Read more 👉 https://lttr.ai/AE65c
#riversidefm #podcasters #podcaster #remoterecording #streamyard #recording #squadcast #Podcasting #RemoteRecordingPlatform
#riversidefm #podcasters #podcaster #remoterecording #streamyard #recording #squadcast #podcasting #remoterecordingplatform
How to Choose the Right Remote Recording Platform: A Guide for Podcasters: https://lttr.ai/AE3Nk
#riversidefm #podcasters #podcaster #remoterecording #streamyard #recording #squadcast #Podcasting #RemoteRecordingPlatform
#riversidefm #podcasters #podcaster #remoterecording #streamyard #recording #squadcast #podcasting #remoterecordingplatform
We cover the importance of choosing a remote recording platform for a smooth podcasting experience.
Read the full article: How to Choose the Right Remote Recording Platform: A Guide for Podcasters
â–¸ https://lttr.ai/AEzgn
#riversidefm #podcasters #podcaster #remoterecording #streamyard #recording #squadcast #Podcasting #RemoteRecordingPlatform
#riversidefm #podcasters #podcaster #remoterecording #streamyard #recording #squadcast #podcasting #remoterecordingplatform
NEW EPISODE: For this episode of @creatorspotpod, @alexlowe30 spoke to the amazing @arithisandthat from @SquadCastFM! We spoke about what makes a good podcast, the shows leaving Spotify and much more.
Proudly recorded using @SquadCastFM and hosted with @CastosHQ
Episode Link: https://wp.me/p6hMdl-7nX
Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3NYE1ZF
Listen on YouTube: https://youtu.be/M0XV7aLIhZc
#Podcast #SquadCast #SquadShot
@creatorspotlight is a production from @theinterface
#podcast #squadcast #squadshot
One of the reasons we love #SquadCast is because of the amazing community they’re building.
Thanks to @arithisandthat, an episode of ours is a feed drop on their ‘Between Two Mics’ podcast.
Check it out!
@jjude Just audio podcast - http://illegalargument.com - we’ve not recorded in awhile, and I generally loathe/hate solo casts - I feed more off a co-host/guest ( we record mostly now with #SquadCast which is great for remote guests ) - but want to try and push myself to more.
It’s Sunday evening, I’m sat at the desk in my lounge editing tomorrow’s @crossedwires episode. It was only recorded last night, and being able to turn that around is in no small part thanks to #SquadCast and #Ferrite.
Why the schedule bump? Well, if I tell you my guest is @gedeonm and we’re talking about a certain API that was murdered by #SpaceKaren you may understand.
Watch this space!
#squadcast #ferrite #SpaceKaren
Just want to thank @arithisandthat and the team at #SquadCast. Been using this service since 2018 to record high quality remote recordings for my podcasts, such as my former one and now @crossedwires that I am a Co-host on with the lovely @jsbilsbrough. The amount of times I have been able to just focus on the recordings instead of the process of recording has made remote recording so easy.
Happy New Year! Our fist #Podcast #Episode of the year!
What’s New With SquadCast
James is joined again by Zachariah Moren from #SquadCast to chat about our relationship with the team, the V5 launch, and some exciting #streaming plans for 2023.
This episode is a really great look at just why we love SquadCast for our production, as welll as an opportunity to explore its uses far beyond just podcasting.
Share & Enjoy!
#streaming #squadcast #episode #podcast
I’m currently editing next week’s @crossedwires whilst sat at my parents’ dining room table on an iPad using an Apple Pencil. I know I’ve said this before, but the freedom using #Ferrite brings for me as a podcaster is amazing.
Also, I think you’ll love this one. Zach from #SquadCast and I go into some really tech stuff about their V5 and future #Streaming plans.
#ferrite #squadcast #streaming
Genuinely proud to have been included in the #SquadCast end of year community episode, a huge thanks to @arithisandthat for including myself (@jsbilsbrough) and @OneJaeAtATime.
Have a listen here:
Honestly in these past few years I have been recording with various tools as a guest or host. From #zoom to #squadcast, #zencastr, and more. I still find that the quality and overall experience to be best in @RiversidedotFM@twitter.com