@timbray thanks! Even having worked on some of the timing requirements for the Square Kilometre Array Observatory with respect to software, I did not know a couple of things here… but I’m very glad I was well aware of most of the things in the talk!
#SKAO #SquareKilometreArrayObservatory #Timing #UTC #TAI #BIPM
#SKAO #squarekilometrearrayobservatory #timing #utc #tai #bipm
#SKA #Observatory marks a momentous milestone with the formal start of construction at #telescope sites in South Africa and Australia.
🔗 https://www.skao.int/en/explore/construction-journey
We at #Cosylab are excited to be part of the project and work on the SKA telescopes’ observation monitor and controls software.
#SKAO #SKAObservatory #SquareKilometreArray #SquareKilometreArrayObservatory #astronomy
#ska #observatory #telescope #Cosylab #SKAO #skaobservatory #SquareKilometreArray #squarekilometrearrayobservatory #astronomy
Weltgrößtes Forschungsinstrument: Square Kilometre Array Observatory wird gebaut
An den Standorten in Australien und Südafrika wurde der Baubeginn des riesigen Teleskopverbunds gefeiert. Die Erwartungen sind immens.
#Astronomie #Radioastronomie #Radioteleskop #SKAO #SquareKilometerArray #SquareKilometreArrayObservatory #News
#astronomie #radioastronomie #radioteleskop #SKAO #SquareKilometerArray #squarekilometrearrayobservatory #news