(R34) "Squattin' Libby!"
Libby using a Squat Toilet! She seems quite focused there!
#LibbySteinTorres #Libby #TheGhostAndMollyMcGee #TGAMM #ToiletUse #Toilet #Bathroom #SquatToilet #Squatting #Squat #Pooping #Scat #Peeing #Urine #NSFW #R34
#libbysteintorres #libby #theghostandmollymcgee #tgamm #ToiletUse #toilet #bathroom #SquatToilet #squatting #squat #pooping #scat #peeing #urine #nsfw #r34
D'après un copain, c'est beaucoup de « gosses de riches qui découvrent la vie », mais je relaie quand-même.
« On est un #squat d'habitation..
Ici, c'est souvent la dernière frontière, beaucoup ont besoin de se poser avant de nouvelles galères administratives.
L'élec et l'eau ont été coupées par la ville, qui souhaite qu'on s'expulse nous-mêmes. Ça ne marchera pas, on reste déterminé·e·s !
Pour que ce bât' reste ouvert et vivable, on a besoin de moyens. »
Les Digitales – saison estivale du 24 au 27 août 2023
jeudi 24 à 14h, La Baudrière, Montreuil
https://www.agendamilitant.org/Les-Digitales-saison-estivale-du-24-au-27-aout-2023.html #écologie #squat
L'Etat est également responsable, parce qu'il échoue à légiférer et administrer pour faire valoir le droit au logement alors même que la Constitution l'impose. Il est plus que temps de balayer les politiques. L'évacuation policière du nouveau #squat #rueSarlat hier, qui promettait de loger de nombreuses familles et personnes vulnérables dans un bâtiment aujourd'hui inoccupé (!), est ainsi un non-sens.
Today in Labor History August 14, 1850: A squatters' riot occurred in Sacramento, California. At the time, Sacramento was an unincorporated territory. Many people had moved to the region for the gold rush, resulting in land speculation and skyrocketing rents. The squatters vowed to defend their claims by force and created their own militia, consisting of dozens of men. The property owners called in the regional militia, with over 500 men. 2 squatters and 3 militiamen died in the battles, as well as 2 bystanders.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #squat #housing #sacramento #massacre #riot #gold #speculation #landlords
#workingclass #LaborHistory #squat #housing #sacramento #massacre #Riot #gold #speculation #landlords
Can anyone recommend an #anarchist #squat in #Rome? My fellow trash magician is wandering the streets of Rome at the moment and any connection would be a most helpful #mutualAid thanks!
#Anarchist #squat #rome #MutualAid
・ #四股 :15rep x3
・ #ピストルスクワット :12回(手を腰に:6rep、頭の後ろで手を組んで:5rep) x1
・フル #ブリッジ :20秒 x3
・ #ブルガリアンスクワット : 20rep x3
#筋トレ #自重トレーニング #プリズナートレーニング #カリステニクス #training #workout #calisthenics #convict_conditioning #pistol_squat #squat
#squat #pistol_squat #convict_conditioning #calisthenics #workout #training #カリステニクス #プリズナートレーニング #自重トレーニング #筋トレ #ブルガリアンスクワット #ブリッジ #ピストルスクワット #四股
My friend Alex is currently in #paris and is sleeping in and around train stations at the moment prior to having a place to stay in #Amsterdam in about a week. He's a super awesome #anarchist #compost and #mechanical person who does media production with the #homeless population in #denver and is a car and truck mechanic with a compost company for a day job here. I'm hoping this use of hashtags might find a #anarchist #squat somewhere in the vicinity of Paris or Amsterdam where he might crash for a couple days. Any ideas? Any squats need a good mechanic for a few days? He also brings memes of trash magic weirdness!
#paris #amsterdam #Anarchist #compost #mechanical #homeless #denver #squat
is there such a thing as #squatSaturday ?
anyway it's part of my morning routine and i was feeling well enough to take this shot
#squatsaturday #chubbear #squat #tummy #thighs #sweat
all we have is each other! #LeaveNooneBehind #squat #occupy
#leavenoonebehind #squat #occupy
this one in underwear and socks.
i would post lewd/lewder/lewdest squat pics. but that's the last during my morning routine. it did eject me out of the good headspace for exercising. did not enjoy.
#sweat #squat #chubbear #underwear #socks
As an excellent example, the convergence of an XR chapter with a local squatters movement. The climate activists recognizing the synergy of place-based "generative refusal" (Leanne Simpson) with the squatters, and getting involved in place-based resistance and a strategic material intervention to change the system in that city. Same story with Atlanta and #StopCopCity ...
... whose work has resulted in hundreds of people — including the middle class people and workers, who seem so elusive to other climate movements — getting involved in mass protest and advocating abolitionist and ecological perspectives to local government. Example here, from a firefighter in Atlanta talking abolition perspectives to the government:
"If you listen to any of the #StopCopCity public comment, you can hear how deeply abolitionist frameworks have taken root––so many people, whether identifying as abolitionists or not, articulated a vision of safety dependent on resources and relationships, rather than policing." — @micahinatl
(Posted on Groundtalk here: https://groundtalk.land/#2023-07-30T12:31:19.48+00:00)
#climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateActivism #StopCopCity #LandDefense #WaterProtector #XR #ExtinctionRebellion #squat #autonomous #abolition #atlanta #movement #MovementBuilding #MutualAid #strategy #organizing #activism #anarchy #anarchists #solidarity #pagan #antifa #decolonize #DualPower #labor #MiddleClass #workers #unions
#StopCopCity #climate #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #climateactivism #LandDefense #WaterProtector #XR #extinctionrebellion #squat #Autonomous #Abolition #atlanta #movement #movementbuilding #MutualAid #strategy #Organizing #activism #anarchy #anarchists #solidarity #pagan #antifa #decolonize #dualpower #labor #middleclass #workers #Unions
Squatting Nude (Self-Portrait)
Is a portrait of a naked person more revealing of who they are? (See comments to "The Adventure of a Photographer" by Italo Calvino in Basic Critical Theory for Photographers by Ashley la Grange, CRC Press, 2013)
#nudist #naturist #nudism #naturism #FKK #Freikörperkultur #nude #naked #nudity #nakedness #indoors #interior #portrait #portraiture #selfportrait #artnude #posing #squat #squatting #man #photo #photography #portraitphotography
#nudist #naturist #nudism #naturism #fkk #freikorperkultur #nude #naked #nudity #nakedness #indoors #interior #portrait #portraiture #selfportrait #artnude #posing #squat #squatting #man #photo #photography #portraitphotography