Today I learned that #cats can hear up to around 85kHz. And they DO NOT like it. 😾
So I'm playing with #esp32 and various #audio setups (#squeezelite and #esphome ) when I miswired the Left/Right clock on a #DAC (a digital sound card for chips.) It didn't know where the values started, so it played loud digital noise with hints of the actual signal in it. The humans heard the normal "out of phase AM reception with rumbling static", a song that often accompanies projects around here. However, this time the cats Freaked The ### OUT. Bolt upright looking around, NOT happy. (Even cats on a different floor.) After the second time, none of them came into the office until this morning.
I think the speaker was able to reproduce (some of?) the 88.2kHz pattern in the word-mangled data, like a full volume "cat whistle" far beyond human hearing. I am much more sure that the cats will stop hanging out with me if I do it again.
#cats #esp32 #audio #squeezelite #esphome #dac
Today's #esp32 project is #audio. Time to wire up an #i2s DAC and really get to know #squeezelite. (And maybe I finally found a good use for my #Trill sensors.)
#esp32 #audio #i2s #squeezelite #trill