You know, there's something about #Telecasters and that bridge pickup--even cheap ones like my #Squier Affinity Tele--it's got that bite to it. Strats can't replicate that sound.
But the Tele feels a bit fatiguing to my hands. I don't know, maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to buy an American Telecaster.
Yes Leo Fender never learned to play the guitar, apparently he wasn't much of a saxophonist either though. How did you get on with that and two other questions in last weeks #threeForFriday #music #quiz? More questions on Friday.
#musicquiz #trivia #musictrivia #questions #musicquestions #popmaster #musicfans #musicgame #musicchallenge #quiztime #instaquiz #fender #leofender #telecaster #jazzmaster #stratocaster #guitar #guitarquiz #saxophone #squier
#squier #saxophone #guitarquiz #guitar #stratocaster #jazzmaster #telecaster #LeoFender #fender #instaquiz #QuizTime #musicchallenge #musicgame #musicfans #popmaster #musicquestions #questions #MusicTrivia #trivia #musicquiz #quiz #music #threeforfriday
No more Squiers. Not buying any more Squiers. Absolu... ooooo
Got the strings, nothing much more exciting to report.
My bassist coworker has a bass with PJ-bass wiring, near as I can tell, with 2 volumes and one tone, no switches.
Looking for how to wire it that way with the humbuckers on my guitar. Not sure if the PJ wiring gets the 'humbucker' from what looks to me like 2 single pickups, or is the humbucker built in to the bass pickups that have two cores per string?
I'll need to buy pots and if necessary a switch not so concerned there just would like to order once.
Have found a limited selection of guitar wiring diagrams that are specific like a typical electronic diagram. Most seem to be pictogram style and those are less helpful in understanding how this stuff works. So if you're hanging onto a stash of full-geek wiring diagrams quit bogarting.
I think I'm going to have to do it like a balance/volume/tone perhaps that's the ticket.
Maybe this is time to pull some hashtags
#ElectricGuitar #electric #Squier #Stagemaster #Fender
#electricguitar #electric #squier #stagemaster #fender
I own #Apple stock but I would never buy an Apple computer. I'd take it if someone gave it to me for free, but I'd never buy one. Why? They cost too friggin' much. I think it complete BS when people say a Mac is so much better than a PC. It's all confirmation bias.
But I also will honestly admit that I, too, have confirmation bias when I say my American made #Fender #Strat smokes any MIM strat and certainly any #Squier Strat.
Seems a Lifetime ago since I gave up playing live with bands... But it's actually just over 8 years ago.This is myself playing my last 'gig' in October 2014...
I don't miss the gigging that much but I do miss that guitar ✌️
#squier #telecaster #Gigging #livemusic #guitars #rockmusic #RockGuitar #rock
#rock #RockGuitar #rockmusic #guitars #livemusic #Gigging #telecaster #squier
My last Guitar acquisition... The updated Squier Affinity Stratocaster ✌️
A great guitar for the price of just £200.
If you want that 'Strat' tone on a budget..
Or like myself just want a 'Single Coil' guitar in your arsenal... these are a decent buy 👍
#squier #affinity #stratocaster #guitars
#guitars #stratocaster #affinity #squier
Ambient guitar experiment for today🎧🌌👾☁️🎸 I hope you enjoy. Sit back and relax for a minute. Made with Native Instruments Hypha, my Squier butterscotch tele, and Logic presets with some Chromaverb.
#ambient #AmbientGuitar #calm #relaxing #indie #synth #NativeInsttuments #squier #tele #TeleTuesday #music #BedroomIndie #instrumental
#ambient #ambientguitar #calm #relaxing #indie #synth #nativeinsttuments #squier #tele #teletuesday #music #bedroomindie #instrumental
A big fan of Squier guitars... These updated Affinity series Strats are a steal at around £200 new... #guitars #squier #stratocaster #strat
#strat #stratocaster #squier #guitars
@guidobibra My very first guitar was a Stratocaster - and I dressed it up to look like Eddie Van Halen's Frankenstrat. These days I play a Telecaster. I still have the Strat, but it's currently awaiting a new paint job (thus is disassembled).
And yeah, those are twin humbuckers of destruction in my Tele. What can I say? I'm a deviant...
#Guitar #Music #Fender #Squier #Telecaster #Stratocaster #Humbucker #ClassicRock #HeavyMetal
#guitar #music #fender #squier #telecaster #stratocaster #humbucker #classicrock #heavymetal
Posted a pic of one of my #Telecaster axes yesterday, but here’s one of all three. Left to right: #Fender, #Squier, #G&L (the Fender’s a US model, the others are imports). They all play and sound great - I always stress to other players how important it is to learn the ins and outs of adjusting and maintaining one’s gear.
#telecaster #fender #squier #g
Todays pedal lineup. #guitars #guitarpedals #fender #jazzmaster #squier #effectsPedals #princetonreverb
#princetonreverb #effectsPedals #squier #jazzmaster #fender #guitarpedals #guitars
Can someone who knows about guitars tell me what the difference is between the stratocaster and the Stratocaster HSS packs? Is it worth it to get the hss?