Bonus Photo of the Day 15th November 2022: XL391, Avro Vulcan B2, Royal Air Force, on display at Blackpool Airport, 20th April 1993.
#blackpool #SquiresGate #blk #egnh #avro #vulcan #RoyalAirForce #raf #aviation #avgeek #planespotting
#planespotting #avgeek #aviation #raf #royalairforce #vulcan #avro #egnh #blk #squiresGate #blackpool
XL391, Avro Vulcan B2, Royal Air Force, on display at Blackpool Airport, 30th April 1993.
#avgeek #planespotting #fisheye #blackpool #squiresGate #blk #egnh #museum #avro #vulcan #raf #royalAirForce
#royalairforce #raf #vulcan #avro #museum #egnh #blk #squiresGate #blackpool #fisheye #planespotting #avgeek
On This Day 2020-04-30.
XL391, Avro Vulcan B2, Royal Air Force, on display at Blackpool Airport, 30th April 1993.
#avgeek #planespotting #otd #blackpool #squiresGate #blk #egnh #avro #vulcan #raf #royalAirForce
#royalairforce #raf #vulcan #avro #egnh #blk #squiresGate #blackpool #otd #planespotting #avgeek