"Camptown ladies never sang all the doo-dah day!" Haunted by the Ghost of Stephen Foster - #SquirrelNutZippers (1998) #NowPlaying #1990s https://youtu.be/KJzWGkgFcTU?t=59
#squirrelnutzippers #nowplaying #1990s
@ElizabethLeeCo #KMFDM, I was right up in front. Had a great view of #EnEsch and could see how he basically fed off the crowd's energy.
#LordsOfAcid during Voodoo-U, #NIN on the downward spiral tour, #Pigface during Welcome to Mexico tour, #SquirrelNutZippers right after Hell from Hot! was big.
Also #WhiteZombie. I had terrible seats for White Zombie.
I saw #EltonJohn and #BillyJoel when they toured together.
Saw #HarryConnickJr once in October. It was supposed to be Christmas music, but he didn't want to play Christmas music so early in the season.
I did not go see #BareNakedLadies because they had yet to make it big in the US at the time.
I saw #WeirdAl when I was 7. He had just released #DareToBeStupid I think. It was a long time ago.
#kmfdm #enesch #lordsofacid #nin #pigface #squirrelnutzippers #whitezombie #eltonjohn #billyjoel #harryconnickjr #barenakedladies #weirdal #daretobestupid
@coleens_ the video for Ghost of Stephen Foster is a great tribute to Betty Boop era collabs with Cab Calloway.
#SquirrelNutZippers #Animation
#squirrelnutzippers #animation
“La Grippe” - Squirrel Nut Zippers
@hashtaggames #HashtagGames #SquirrelNutZippers #Pandemic #CovidIsntOver #WearAMask
#WearAMask #CovidIsntOver #pandemic #squirrelnutzippers #hashtaggames #songsormoviesabout2022
Five years ago today: #SquirrelNutZippers at the Neighborhood Theatre in #Charlotte. A joyous occasion, that.
#charlotte #squirrelnutzippers
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MorningShow
Squirrel Nut Zippers:
🎵 Hell
#nowplaying #morningshow #squirrelnutzippers
#LaLuz #MassiveAttack #NeilYoung #RayLaMontagne #ShintaroSakamoto #Splashh #TheDoors #WhiteDenim #WildNothing #SquirrelNutZippers #CiboMatto #JescaHoop #ParquetCourts #UNKLE #UnknownMortalOrchestra #DianeCoffee #EdwardSharpeAndTheMagneticZeros #EdwardSharpe #LemonDemon #NedsAtomicDustbin #Plaid #SoftHair #TheSmile #AneBrun #BeachHouse #MyDryWetMess #TheBlackAngels #YasmeenAminaOlya #TheShins #Younghusband #Amiina #BrianEno #DanielRossen #MichaelKiwanuka #TheSpires
#laluz #massiveattack #neilyoung #raylamontagne #shintarosakamoto #splashh #thedoors #whitedenim #wildnothing #squirrelnutzippers #cibomatto #jescahoop #parquetcourts #unkle #unknownmortalorchestra #dianecoffee #edwardsharpeandthemagneticzeros #edwardsharpe #lemondemon #nedsatomicdustbin #plaid #softhair #TheSmile #anebrun #BEACHHOUSE #mydrywetmess #theblackangels #yasmeenaminaolya #theshins #younghusband #amiina #brianeno #danielrossen #michaelkiwanuka #thespires