ICYMI Uganda is targeting reproductive rights alongside its ‘anti-gay’ bill
https://www.codastory.com/waronscience/uganda-fertility-treatment-law/ #Uganda #LGBT #women #gayrights #humanrights #SRHR #antigay
#uganda #lgbt #women #gayrights #humanrights #srhr #antigay
I advocate for the sexual & reproductive health & rights of women & girls via my work @rootsofhealth. #SRHR support is vital to the life course & has positive intergenerational impact yet is overlooked in DRRM. Appreciate @nabreesa raising this issue - congrats on the article!
RT @nabreesa
Happy to share the first article from part of my #PhD. We analysed #disaster and #humanitarian #response policies and practices in Fiji, Vanuatu a…
#srhr #phd #disaster #humanitarian #response
"...Women’s time would be spent on unpaid labor, and women have enough unpaid labor.”
Are DIY menstrual pads an unsustainable trend? Social businesses like AFRIPads say they're seeing an increase in donors wanting to invest in projects where girls and women make reusable sanitary pads. But it's not necessary helping things.
By me from #Uganda for Devex
#SRHR #menstruation #MHM #menstruationtrualhygienemanagement
#uganda #srhr #menstruation #mhm #menstruationtrualhygienemanagement
Emboldened by the overturning of Roe v Wade, Western conservative movements are dialling up their Africa campaigns. #SRHR #sexualrights #feminism
Latest piece by me, on a horrific story involving period shaming in #Kenya #MHM #menstrualhygienemanagement #SRHR #menstruation
A story that made global headlines … about periods
#kenya #mhm #menstrualhygienemanagement #srhr #menstruation
RT @STPCoalitionPac@twitter.com
"We don't need a degree to write a book" - Viva of @diva4equality@twitter.com set the tone for the launch of new #SRHR booklet - #MyBody #MyHumanRights #MyActivism in Suva today!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/STPCoalitionPac/status/1600619557655580672
#myactivism #mysei #srhr #mybody #myhumanrights
At Stories to Action, we are EXTENDING this opportunity up until 14 Dec 2022 for young people <30 from Beijing 🇨🇳, Tbilisi 🇬🇪, & Bogota 🇨🇴 who are interested to become their country's #youth ambassador & advocate for youth's #SRHR during times of crisis like COVID19.
Please help share & tag if you know anyone from those cities who might be interested.
Requirements: pic below
Compensation: 500 Euros + other benefits
Full info: https://www.storiestoaction.com/opportunities/
At Stories to Action, we are EXTENDING this opportunity up until 14 Dec 2022 for young people <30 from Beijing 🇨🇳, Tbilisi 🇬🇪, & Bogota 🇨🇴 who are interested to become their country's #youth ambassador & advocate for youth's #SRHR during times of crisis like COVID19.
Please help share & tag if you know anyone from those cities who might be interested.
Requirements: pic below
Compensation: 500 Euros + other benefits
Full info: storiestoaction.com/opportunities/
#Indonesia's new problematic criminal code is a threat to civil space, freedom of speach, #SRHR, and more. There is a valid criticism from Indonesians toward western media who talks about it from a 'look, here another underdeveloped conservative (Islamist) nation' approach by zooming in on the criminalization of sex outside marriage in such a way.
However, SRHR are fundamental rights too. Regardless of the western (neocolonial) bias, SRHR indeed can't thrive in an authoritarian/fascist space.
Many issues of #abortion access remain in #Australia. E.g., affordability, stigma, lack of services, information or support.
The Australian Senate has called a federal injury into universal access to #ReproductiveHealthcare. Everyone is invited to submit to the inquiry by 15th Dec 2022.
Tonight 5-6pm AEDT on zoom you learn how you can contribute to the injury and be part of action for change.
The event is run by Fair Agenda, Children by Choice, MSI Australia and Australian Women's Health Network.
#AusPol #ReproductiveRights #ReproductiveJustice #Healthcare #SRH #SRHR
#abortion #australia #reproductivehealthcare #auspol #reproductiverights #reproductivejustice #healthcare #srh #srhr
Teen pregnancies imperil Uganda’s demographic transition https://www.monitor.co.ug/uganda/news/national/teen-pregnancies-imperil-uganda-s-demographic-transition-4034590 #Uganda #Africa #SRHR
Not just demanding but learning, via a new model, to create #SRHR #partnerships
https://rutgers.international/stories/not-just-demanding-but-learning-via-a-new-model-to-create-srhr-partnerships #Rutgers #icfp2022 #youth
#srhr #partnerships #rutgers #icfp2022 #youth
Thrilled to be working on these stories this week for #Rutgers to coincide with the international conference on #familyplanning in Thailand
Arming young people with information to make relationships strong and healthy
#rutgers #familyPlanning #srhr #netherlands #cse #icfp2022 #youth #storyteller
For #youngpeople interested in #SRHR & based in:
- Jakarta, #Indonesia 🇮🇩
- Kathmandu, #Nepal 🇳🇵
- Beijing, #China 🇨🇳
- Tbilisi, #Georgia 🇬🇪
- Freetown, #SierraLeone 🇸🇱
- Bogota, #Colombia 🇨🇴
- Harare, #Zimbabwe 🇿🇼
- Khartoum, #Sudan 🇸🇩
My organization, Stories to Action, is HIRING a Youth Country Ambassador (one for each country) for our Youth Ambassador Program (Dec '22 - May '23).
Compensation: 500 Euros + other benefits
#china #colombia #youngpeople #zimbabwe #sudan #srhr #indonesia #nepal #georgia #sierraleone
For #youngpeople interested in #SRHR & based in:
- Jakarta, #Indonesia 🇮🇩
- Kathmandu, #Nepal 🇳🇵
- Beijing, #China 🇨🇳
- Tbilisi, #Georgia 🇬🇪
- Freetown, #SierraLeone 🇸🇱
- Bogota, #Colombia 🇨🇴
- Harare, #Zimbabwe 🇿🇼
- Khartoum, #Sudan 🇸🇩
My organization, Stories to Action, is HIRING a Youth Country Ambassador (one for each country) for our Youth Ambassador Program (Dec '22 - May '23).
Compensation: 500 Euros + other benefits
Full info: storiestoaction.com/opportunities/
#youngpeople #srhr #nepal #indonesia #china #georgia #sierraleone #colombia #zimbabwe #sudan
For #INDONESIAN 🇮🇩 #YOUTH based in DKI Jakarta and interested in #SRHR issue! My organization, Stories to Action, is HIRING a Youth Country Ambassador for our Youth Ambassador Program (Dec '22 - May '23).
This role will include research, advocacy, and knowledge products generation in the issue of young people's SRHR during the COVID-19 pandemic & beyond.
Compensation: 500 Euros + other benefits
Full info: storiestoaction.com/opportunities/
Going into the field as strangers but leaving as “sisters” – the power of young people in abortion research in Kenya
#icfp2022 #kenya #abortion #postabortion #SRHR #familyplanning #Rutgers
#icfp2022 #kenya #abortion #postabortion #srhr #familyPlanning #rutgers
International Conference on Family Planning (#ICFP2022) is coming soon. I cannot attend (even virtually - it's a bit expensive 😔), but to support the fullfilment of #SRHR for everyone everywhere, I am sharing a policy brief I wrote on #safeabortion in my home country, Indonesia 🇮🇩.
Saving more lives on time: Strategic policy implementation and financial inclusion for safe abortion in Indonesia during COVID-19 and beyond | Frontiers in Women's Global Health
I am an 🇮🇩 young #globalhealth practitioner currently live as a migrant in 🇳🇱. I am trained in #publichealth & as a medical doctor, currently work in an LMIC-focused health project consultancy + co-run a global youth SRHR initiative.
I am passionate in #globalhealthequity, #Intersectional_feminism, #decolonization, #SRHR, #racial_awareness, health in all policy, & any related social justice issue (what is not connected to health anyway)?
Can't wait to connect with y'all!
#globalhealth #Intersectional_feminism #racial_awareness #introduction #publichealth #globalhealthequity #decolonization #srhr