@samuelmumm @sixtus @olaf_radicke @tagesschau
Es gibt auch #SRI Indizes, die das ausschließen. Du kannst investieren in was du willst, oder eben nicht. Wenn du umlagenfinanzierte Rente haben willst, dann kommt die zumindest nicht von meinem Nachwuchs.
@olaf_radicke @sixtus @tagesschau
Es gibt auch #SRI Indizes. Da ist das alles ausgeschlossen.
Five leading #root architecture #models go head-to-head in a groundbreaking study on water flow in soil and roots
https://doi.org/10.1093/insilicoplants/diad005 from @guillaume @Valentin
#FSPM featuring #DuMux #CPlantBox #RSWMS #OpenSimRoot #SRI
#root #models #fspm #dumux #cplantbox #rswms #opensimroot #sri
Is there any #SRI #rice being grown in the USA that's available for consumers to buy? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_of_Rice_Intensification
SRI apparently greatly reduces the #methane emitted by rice farming, among other benefits, and I would like to support a less carbon-intensive approach.
My main source for SRI rice so far has been Lotus Foods, which does not currently offer US-grown SRI rice, to my knowledge.
📽️Watch: HE Denis Chaibi in conversation with @ravigamage1 on News Line, where they discussed 🇪🇺 efforts to boost #tourism in #Sri Lanka
🔗👉https://www.youtube.com/live/Lp-lM6Y1QWQ?feature=share via @YouTube
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_in_Sri_Lanka/status/1676062428813983744
"We have found abundant #phosphorus in #plume ice samples spraying out of the subsurface #ocean" – Christopher Glein of the #SouthwestResearchInstitute
#NASA finds key building block for life in #Enceladus, one of the icy moons of #Saturn.
🌎 https://phys.org/news/2023-06-nasa-key-block-life-moon.html
📔 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-05987-9 Postberg et al. (2023)
📷 https://gfycat.com/everlastingimmediatefinch
#phosphorus #plume #ocean #southwestresearchinstitute #nasa #enceladus #saturn #astrobiology #cassini #sri
@lori I'm mostly just paraphrasing what the I recall being described as results from user group studies at SRI were on pointing devices.
The mouse wasn't the only thing they tried. Light pens predated the mouse (e.g. in Ivan Sutherland's Sketchpad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=495nCzxM9PI )
My understanding is that Bill English/ARC/The Augment group at SRI (Stanford Research Institute) under Doug(las) Engelbart experimented with various pointing devices, before settling on a 3 button mouse.
Some iterations had fewer (perhaps even no? I don't recall) buttons, some had as many as five buttons I seem to recall?
They even purportedly experimented with a pointing that was driven by knee movements (presumably to allow the hands to be free for other things, though perhaps this may have also been useful for accessibility much in the way there are some alternative pointing devices based upon eye tracking or breathing in more recent decades)
In SRI's studies apparently 3 buttons was considered ideal by most users?
Admittedly, they experimented with a lot of other things when it came to user input too.
For example, instead of relying solely on a QWERTY keyboard layout, NLS used a "chorded" keyboard (image attached).
Similar to playing notes on piano keys, or stenographer keyboards, multiple keys could be held simultaneously, to produce different characters.
Some years ago, an app was made available for mobile touch screen devices, by Adam Kumpf from Teague Labs but that app did not keep up & isn't in app stores anymore. (remnant: https://www.fastcompany.com/1669042/a-famous-inventors-forgotten-idea-a-one-handed-touch-screen-keyboard).
Others made an interface for the original hardware to an iPad (e.g: https://valerielandau.wordpress.com/2010/08/10/engelbart-typing-on-the-ipad-with-the-chorded-keyset/ ).
Presumably due to the versatility of the chorded keyset (typically used by the left hand) excessive buttons on the mouse (typically used by the right hand) made it such that 3 buttons seemed sufficient?
#NLS #Mouse #ThreeButtons #ChordedKeySet #Engelbart #SRI #ComputerHistory #oNLineSystem #DougEngelbart #TipTap
#nls #mouse #threebuttons #chordedkeyset #engelbart #sri #computerhistory #onlinesystem #dougengelbart #tiptap
@ajroach42 NLS (oNLine System) was an outgrowth of Engelbart's Augment group at SRI (Stanford Research Institute) and also: not military.
I'm attaching an image from The Engelbart Hypothesis (2009) which shows the meditative full lotus/cross legged seating in use by some.
Bill English (also part of Engelbart's Augment group) not only invented the mouse, he basically pioneered the field of ergonomics. They partnered with Herman Miller to design a lot of their prototypes.
Trivia: (learned via John Daneen [sp?] at n CoLABoration 2010 Program for the Future held at the Computer History Museum with Engelbart et al present) SRI actually terminated Doug Engelbart after he gave the "Mother of all Demos" presentation in 1968.
Eventually, J.C.R. Licklider heard of the presentation & was so excited that someone had built a computer network (about which he had theorized, though "Lick" worked on SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment ]) that he contacted SRI to discuss providing them with funding (which is when NLS got subsumed into [D]ARPANet).
SRI, very quietly: hired Doug back.
There's unfortunately, a lot of confusion about a lot of this stuff as much of this technology was commercialized by companies which had no stake in creating it. e.g. Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999) gets more or less all of it wrong, implying that Micro$oft and Apple stole such ideas from Xerox PARC.
PARC had a cross licensing agreement with SRI and SAIL.
Additionally, it is my understanding that Apple paid SRI licensing fees when they implemented their own version of the mouse (but they only used one button, whereas SRI/Bill English had already experimented with many variations and determined through user studies that three buttons had the fewest trade offs).
#NLS #SRI #Engelbart #BillEnglish #Mouse #ChordedKeyset #ARC #HermanMiller #ergonomics #nonmilitarycomputing #ARPANet #Licklider #DouglasEngelbart #DougEngelbart #JCRLicklider #AugmentingHumanIntelligence #ComputerHistory
#nls #sri #engelbart #billenglish #mouse #chordedkeyset #arc #hermanmiller #ergonomics #nonmilitarycomputing #arpanet #licklider #douglasengelbart #dougengelbart #jcrlicklider #augmentinghumanintelligence #computerhistory
RT @SmartSquare_EU: We participated in Beyond Expo in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 24th to 26th of May 2023
This year’s main topics were focused in #intelligent solutions, #sustainable technology, disruptive #innovation & #inclusive future
#SmartBuildings #SmartTools #SRI #LIFEprogramme #LIFEproject https://t.co/FjcXxI4ZFN
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LIFEprogramme/status/1666450330920296448
#intelligent #sustainable #innovation #inclusive #smartbuildings #SmartTools #sri #LIFEprogramme #LIFEproject
Was ein Schwachsinn. Ich habe komplett den Glauben in die #GLS verloren. Nachhaltigkeit ist für alle etwas anderes. Ich z.B. kritisiere die GLS für Investments in Tierhaltung. Alles andere als nachhaltig. Aber was soll das Gejammer? Es gibt keinen nachhaltigen ETF? Dann legt halt einen auf! Oder kann man da zu wenig verdienen? #SRI Indizes haben massive Ausschlüsse. Umsatzschwellen haben auch nachhaltige, teure Fonds. Und mit Fonds kann man nicht diversifizieren.
#elok #151123 #flex #sri vor dem #zementzug in #greifswalderstrasse
#Elok #flex #sri #zementzug #greifswalderstrasse
Before there were #SV #tech #AI #ML demos, there was their 'mother'.
Rewatching Doug Englebart's "The Mother of All Demos"
Wikpedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mother_of_All_Demos
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJDv-zdhzMY&ab_channel=Marcel
The history of #PARC and #SRI is the history of computing and their commitment to make computing accessible to a larger population <3
#SRIInc #MotherOfAllDemos #CS #PersonalComputing #PC #SiliconValley
#SV #tech #ai #ml #parc #sri #sriinc #motherofalldemos #cs #personalcomputing #pc #siliconvalley
#SRI has been a silent mover of the Silicon Valley/Tech since it was created.
Looking at the exits from #SRI - seems like a lot of that is cool at #BigTech was invented here!
1. #Siri was developed here and was bought by Apple.
2. #Nuance was bought by Microsoft
3. #Meta was _bought_ (;)) by Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.
#sri #bigtech #siri #nuance #meta #ai #ml #tech
The first Apple Mac owes it's GUI & mouse to the Xerox Alto personal computer.
"Opened in 1970, PARC was a pioneering developer of technologies like the graphic user interface(#GUI) , #LaserPrinting and #Ethernet networking. PARC has recently been doing work in areas like #ArtificialIntelligence, the #InternetOfThings, #CleanTech and #3DPrinting."
#Xerox Gives Legendary PARC Lab to #SRI International | Xerox Palo Alto Research Center #Smalltalk
#smalltalk #sri #xerox #3dprinting #cleantech #internetofthings #artificialintelligence #ethernet #laserprinting #gui
#PARC joins forces with #SRI #SRIInc to form one of the largest #CS #AI #Tech research non-profits.
Research at a non-profit, that is funded by the public, supports science that is conducted in good faith, is accessible, and is for the social, communal good.
I am so very excited!
I am also very grateful that market pressures don't pull my research in random directions.
SRI: https://www.sri.com
#parc #sri #sriinc #cs #ai #tech
Un gatto per pescarli, un gatto per ghermirli e nel fiume assaporarli. Dalla terra del distante Oriente…
#animali #gatti #felini #predatori #pescatori #piscivori #asia #oriente #india #sri lanka #thailandia #carnivori #giungla #fiume #acqua #acquitrino #palude #evoluzione #mammiferi #riproduzione
#animali #gatti #felini #predatori #pescatori #piscivori #asia #oriente #india #sri #thailandia #carnivori #giungla #fiume #acqua #acquitrino #palude #evoluzione #mammiferi #riproduzione
Program Director, People
#SRI Executive
#Leiden, Zuid-Holland
INGKA Foundation Foundation (IKEA Foundation)
IKEA Foundation has a vision ...
read more: t.me/hiresocial (#4290)
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