Spirit. He culminates in what he always really was, the illumined and beautific spirit which is intended at last to irridate life and mind with its now concealed splenders.
@baddadda @philosophy
I am stuck with #SriAurobindo 's Integral Yoga and Arthur Scheoanheaur Ideas...
"In following the heart in its purer impulses one follows something that is at least as precious as the mind's loyalty to its own conceptions of what the Truth may be."
-- #SriAurobindo , The #IntegralYoga
#sriaurobindo #integralyoga #yoga #indianphilosophy
"[Truth] is not likely to be found in its entirety or in all its bearings
in any single philosophy or scripture or uttered altogether and
for ever by any one teacher, thinker, prophet or Avatar. Nor
has it been wholly found by us if our view of it necessitates
the intolerant exclusion of the truth underlying other systems;
for when we reject passionately, we mean simply that we cannot
appreciate and explain. "
-- #SriAurobindo, Essays on the Gita
Hi ! I am a student of philosophy.. practicing #indianYoga not the asana but yoga based upon the #philisphy of #SriAurobindo and #themother of #pondicherry...
#Pondicherry #themother #sriaurobindo #philisphy #indianyoga #Introduction
Europe pride herself on her practical and scientific organisation and efficiency.
I am waiting till her organisation is perfect.
Then a child shall destroy her...
Read the Aphorism here