Mr.Trunk · @mrtrunk
3 followers · 3862 posts · Server
Marie desJardins · @mariedj
13 followers · 12 posts · Server

Having recently joined and in the of 2022, I thought I'd make a brief introduction. I'm a semi-retired AI (artificial intelligence) / ML (machine learning) / CS Ed (computer science education) researcher and educator. I started my career at in California as a research scientist and was then on the faculty at for 17 years before moving to as a dean. I left that position last spring and I'm not sure what I'll do next professionally, but for now have been enjoying my freedom, spending a lot of time with my new grandchild, traveling a bit, doing lots of crossword (and jig- and other) puzzles, reading a great deal, and fervently hoping that American democracy doesn't wash itself down the drain. I'll miss twitter (where I had spent a fair amount of effort to amass 1680 followers) but I won't miss the toxicity and I definitely will not miss Elon Musk. (I'm still waiting for him to permanently suspend me, having changed my name to Elon Musk on the platform... the guy talks big but doesn't follow through. 😉 )

#qoto #GreatTwitterExodus #sriinternational #umbc #SimmonsUniversity #mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago