#Sriracha shortage:
I can't find all the details quick enough and don't want to invest too much time. #Tran from Huy Fong and Robert #Underwood had 28 years partnership that was part oral, part written, and part based on practice.
Tran fled Vietnam and was a successful immigrant. True American story.
Underwood won the lawsuit by a jury from his backyard. And then after ending partnership, started their own sauce manufacturing.
I don't believe Underwood is totally clean from visible evidence.
Underwood Ranches supplied the maker of Sriracha with chili peppers for years. When the partnership fell apart, Underwood came out with its own line of sauce.
Inside San Francisco's wildly expensive underground Sriracha market
I just blogged about how I'm dealing with the hot pepper crisis: https://davidscrimshaw.blogspot.com/2023/08/addressing-sambal-oelek-crisis.html
#sriracha #srirachashortage #srirachashortageishurtingusall
#sriracha #srirachashortage #srirachashortageishurtingusall
#AllTheVeggies #Pizza tonight. I forgot to make a sauce so I cobbled a base made up of #TomatoKetchup #Sriracha #TomatoPuree and #SesameOil. Don't @ me, pizza purists! It was sooooo good...
#VeganFood #VeganUK #GoVegan🌱 #EatPlants #DeleteTheMeat #EatPlantsNotAnimals #PlanetOfThePlants #VeganPizza #Vegan
#alltheveggies #pizza #tomatoketchup #sriracha #tomatopuree #sesameoil #veganfood #veganuk #govegan #eatplants #deletethemeat #eatplantsnotanimals #planetoftheplants #veganpizza #vegan
As a former resident of New Mexico who pays embarrassing amounts of money to keep a supply of green chile in my freezer, I feel for the author of this article. Thankfully, my own bottle of Sriracha in the fridge isn't too depleted yet...
Inside San Francisco's wildly expensive underground Sriracha market
https://www.sfgate.com/food/article/sriracha-scalping-bay-area-craigslist-facebook-18270515.php #greenchile #sriracha #sanfrancisco #newmexico
#greenchile #sriracha #sanfrancisco #newmexico
I had also been hit by the Huy Fong Foods #sriracha shortage myself and I was desperate enough to try the Tabasco alternative (Tabasco is great, their Sriracha isn't).
This is the kind of scientific rigor I was missing in my search for alternatives:
#SrirachaShortage #TasteTest #FirstWorldProblems
(capitalizing hashtags makes you look "uncool" but they work better for screen readers, spread the word #a11y)
#sriracha #Srirachashortage #tastetest #firstworldproblems #a11y
« Pénurie de sauce sriracha et crise climatique. Une grande partie des cultures de piments utilisés pour la confectionner sont irriguées par le bassin du fleuve Colorado, où une sécheresse intense sévit.
Mais comme le démontre ce graphique réalisé à partir d'une étude publiée dans Nature Sustainability, ce ne sont pas les légumes qui utilisent le plus d'eau dans la région. » : https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/05/22/climate/colorado-river-water.html via Matthieu Dugal #Climat #EauPotable #CriseClimatique #Sriracha #Californie
#climat #eaupotable #criseclimatique #sriracha #californie
Meh, #Sriracha shortage being oversold in media, though these are pretty pricey on eBay.
Got COVID from some non-vaxxing non -masking "relatives" (not by blood....or choice) who showed up sick and didn't tell anyone that they were running fevers until we all started having to make urgent care visits.
That sucks.
But, I know I can count on mom to go out of her way and bring pho for me and the kids so we can enjoy it under the shade of the trees.
Also, Sriracha is still normally priced at Saigon Market FYI.
#asiantok #asianmastodon #laotok #kwayteow #pho #sriracha
Not sure the #MoveSrirachaToDenton would have helped this situation. #Denton
Why #Sriracha is 'Out of Stock Everywhere' - Truth or Fiction?
#movesrirachatodenton #denton #sriracha
Ooh. That's a bit north.
But, hey, #ClimateChange is in your favor!
In fact, plant chili peppers to restore the supply chain of #Sriracha.
Gizmodo: Sriracha Prices Explode on eBay Amid Year-Long Shortage https://gizmodo.com/sriracha-prices-explode-on-ebay-amid-year-long-shortage-1850606491 #cuisineofthesouthwesternunitedstates #chilisauceandpaste #vietnamesecuisine #businessfinance #mexicancuisine #chiliconcarne #huyfongfoods #chilipepper #davidtram #hotsauces #sriracha #hotsauce #huyfong
#cuisineofthesouthwesternunitedstates #chilisauceandpaste #vietnamesecuisine #businessfinance #mexicancuisine #chiliconcarne #huyfongfoods #chilipepper #davidtram #hotsauces #sriracha #hotsauce #huyfong
I do not like the flavor of #Sriracha sauce.
My current favorite flavors are:
- Heartbreaking Dawn's "Cauterizer" is a pleasant sweet sauce.
- CAJohn's "Leviathan" is a wonderful table sauce and "Small Batch Carolina Reaper Sauce" is fun when you need a little more kick.
- Gringo Bandito "Green Sauce" is the perfect verde to put on any kind of breakfast.
- "Liquid Arson" used to be made a few miles from here. That scorpion pepper sauce was downright playful, and I miss it.