RT @smlmrn
#ICYMI The "High #mountain areas" chapter Hock et al. of the @IPCC_CH Special Report on the Ocean & #Cryosphere in a Changing #Climate #SROCC is freely available in final form with a fully fledged #doi https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009157964.004. Not deprecated yet hopefully.
#DOI #srocc #Climate #cryosphere #mountain #icymi
I always had a little tummy ache with the figure in the "final draft" of #AR6 #WG2 chapter 9 on Africa, where it stated that up to 700 million people might get replaced by 2030 due to high water stress.
Searched far & wide for a source wrt 700 million...half the continent... by 2030?
Couldn't find any.
Both versions of Ch9 state high-water-stress exposure with 951m people at 1.5ºC, 178m vulnerabl,) and cite #SROCC as source. Very bad. #IPCC citing itself..?
And SROCC doesn't contain "951" !
.. And small-scale #CDR takes global cooperation for centuries.
ICYMI: the new update to #IPCC #SROCC has now officially called permafrost thaw and advises that, just to keep temperature stable, ie countering the warming from permafrost thaw needs 2 - 4Gt CO2 removal/a for several centuries.
Such geopolitical cooperation has 0 chance if weather extremes get too numerous and their fallouts pile up. Let's say, zero chance beyond 1.7ºC . That means: negative CO2 budget by 2035😂
@davidho @Jens_D_Mueller would be great to have a script - I wanted to make some for the #IPCC #SROCC
RT @martinmodlinger@twitter.com
Der Bundesregierung sind seit November 2018 Zahlen zum deutlich schnelleren #Meeresspiegelanstieg der letzten 20 Jahre bekannt - und dazu, dass er laut dem #SROCC-Bericht auch in allen Emissionsszenarien noch deutlich stärker steigen wird. 2/x
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/martinmodlinger/status/1176051000060403712