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#XMen #Digimon
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#xmen #digimon #fireemblem #TRPGs #srpgs #psychedelics #ayahuasca #psilocybin #mysticism #christianmysticism #CenteringPrayer #occult #esotericism #Tarot #meditation #integraltheory #integral #philosophy #transpersonalpsychology #psychedelictherapy
I go by Mot. He/him I suppose. Midlife crisis aged. And I live in the Midwest. I #garden and there's plenty of lakes to visit. I get to do #haskell at my job which is nice.
I'm a #gamer and big into #srpgs or any #rpgs. I'm the #ForeverDM for my #ttrpg group. #dnd #pathfinder #knave some others though I frequently #gamedesign my own for a campaign. I struggle to get the writing portion of work done so most of my settings and plots live inside my head.
#introduction #garden #haskell #gamer #srpgs #rpgs #ForeverDM #ttrpg #DnD #pathfinder #Knave #gamedesign
Ist leider oft ein Problem bei #SRPGs fĂŒr mich, dass sich im spĂ€teren Spielverlauf die Schlachten ewig in die LĂ€nge ziehen.