If you are applying for #disability in the #US, you can’t stop going to the doctor even if they can’t help you. I know it’s so ridiculous but you have to keep going even if there’s nothing they can do or else the #SSA will say you were not under the continuous care of a doctor and they will deny your disability claim.
From: @rchusid
Do not pay your student loans.
Out government gave this guy, and people like Joseph Mercola, a whole bunch of free money to make everything worse. They don’t need your student loan payments. If they need the money they can take it back from these scum bags.
oh, also, if you are #disabled by long #Covid but you don’t have a disability determination yet from the #SSA, you can still apply for a federal student loan forgiveness. I applied in 2013 for disability, I didn’t get approved and start getting money until 2016. All my federal student loans were forgiven in 2014. You have to have your doctor sign the form and send a couple documents. It’s super easy.
From: @Gjallarhornet
#debtstrike #disabled #covid #ssa
#SocialSecurity adds 12 new conditions to the list of 278 Compassionate Allowances conditions.
Persons with one of these conditions are approved almost immediately once a diagnosis is verified, bypassing the long wait for #disabilty determination
Always important to include a #medical diagnosis record when applying or personally sending it to #SSA asap after applying. Don't rely on docs sending it.
🔗Compassionate Allowances Website Home Page
#socialsecurity #disabilty #medical #ssa #ssdi #ssi
【さいたまイベント】予習❻ 有野の挑戦『キャプテン翼』 後編
#youtube_gccx20th #ゲームセンターCX #GCCX #有野課長 #SSA #生挑戦 #さいたまスーパーアリーナ #キャプテン翼
#youtube_gccx20th #ゲームセンターcx #gccx #有野課長 #ssa #生挑戦 #さいたまスーパーアリーナ #キャプテン翼
I can't help but be angry. People have been recommending that I get a #neuropsych evaluation done. From what I can tell, it basically only benefits me in regard to stupid-ass #SSA. As someone who's been told to eat shit repeatedly over my lifetime, & has gone through the pain of basically doing my own #rehab for 2 #TBIs, I'm livid. Ah, NOW people "care". Right. The benefit isn't nothing, but it rings incredibly hollow. You can be dying and SSA will insist all the docs are wrong. 🙄 #NEISvoid
#neuropsych #ssa #rehab #tbis #NEISvoid
【さいたまイベント】予習❻ 有野の挑戦『キャプテン翼』 前編
#youtube_gccx20th #ゲームセンターCX #GCCX #有野課長 #SSA #生挑戦 #さいたまスーパーアリーナ #キャプテン翼
#youtube_gccx20th #ゲームセンターcx #gccx #有野課長 #ssa #生挑戦 #さいたまスーパーアリーナ #キャプテン翼
Don't cut Social Security for people under 50. Raise the Social Security tax cap instead. It's absurd that Jeff Bezos and I pay the same Social Security tax.
#socialsecurity #ssa #politics #republican #democrat #dnc #gop
#youtube_gccx20th #ゲームセンターCX #GCCX #有野課長 #SSA #生挑戦 #さいたまスーパーアリーナ
#youtube_gccx20th #ゲームセンターcx #gccx #有野課長 #ssa #生挑戦 #さいたまスーパーアリーナ
@GenHumInst @BillySmith @anirvan yeah I’m pretty convinced that convincing everybody to measure it in silly SPOONS is so disability can more easily deny everyone.
They’re not gonna give anybody disability based on their report of their spoon usage. You need to have real, valid measurements.
FYI if you have an #MECFS type of #LongCovid and you need disability the #SSA has determination criteria:
Grayscale urges SEC to approve all Bitcoin ETFs simultaneously - Grayscale's ETF was previously knocked back by the SEC and it wan... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/grayscale-sec-approve-all-bitcoin-etfs-together #exchangetradedfund #unitedstates #grayscale #coinbase #bitcoin #filing #letter #fund #btc #etf #ssa #sec #us
#us #sec #ssa #etf #btc #fund #letter #filing #bitcoin #coinbase #grayscale #unitedstates #exchangetradedfund
This guy mostly fear mongers about #SSDI investigations into #fraud.
The bit on air tags is silly. An air tag will beep if it doesn’t connect to the tacking device every 24 hours, so if they put an air tag on your car they’ll need to come by every day to “connect” so it doesn’t beep.
BUT, if you use a #meta product there is nothing stopping them from turning all your data over to the #SSA if they simply ask.
China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo Aims to Defy Western ‘Debt Trap’ Accusations, Generating $19 Billion in Trade Deals - According to a report from the third annual China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, ... - https://news.bitcoin.com/china-africa-economic-and-trade-expo-aims-to-defy-western-debt-trap-accusations-generating-19-billion-in-trade-deals/ #china-africaeconomicandtradeexpo #allegedwesternsmears #economiccooperation #westernaccusations #rwandanambassador #sub-saharanafrica #ssa
#ssa #sub #rwandanambassador #westernaccusations #economiccooperation #allegedwesternsmears #china
That journey has been a long, hard process that still isn't finished, but I needed to get to the point where I could convince my #parts to get on board with the #disability filing process, and stay grounded when merely looking at that form. The whole process is #retraumatizing for me, and has been from the start. Life is hard enough w/o throwing the whole shebang with #SSA in the mix. They are pros at treating the #disabled as subhuman.
#Parts #disability #retraumatizing #ssa #disabled
It's shocking just how much energy this whole #SSA thing takes. My psychologist has been kind enough to fill out the 3rd party function report, and even noted it over and over ever since the process truly began for me. One of the largest hurdles I had to jump over to even do the first 14-page disability form in the first place was process #trauma related to #ínvalidation, #neglect, & #abuse at the hands of authority figure, as I've gone through a lifetime of that.
#ssa #trauma #invalidation #neglect #abuse
I've slowly been going through the process of filing for #disability. It's been a large PITA dealing with the #SSA from the very beginning. My case has finally been assigned to somebody at the DDS, and what do I see? Good ole "You have 14 days to get these function reports that you've already sent us before we auto-deny your case. But we, on the other hand, can take literal years." I'm glad I digitized it originally, because it's one of the few forms I filled out on paper.
Gloria Beth Amodeo: From #CampusCrusade to #God's Ex-Girlfriend
#atheism #atheist #christian #christianity #SSA #exvangelical #deconversion
#campuscrusade #god #atheism #atheist #christian #christianity #ssa #exvangelical #deconversion
🥕 Caisse alimentaire commune 🥕
La première caisse alimentaire commune a vu le jour à Montpellier en début d'année.
Cette initiative, portée par 25 collectifs, vise à rendre l'alimentation durable accessible à tous et à répondre aux enjeux de précarité alimentaire et agricole. Car, en France, 1 paysan sur 4 vit sous le seuil de pauvreté et 1 personne sur 5 ne dispose pas d’un accès garanti à une alimentation suffisante, de qualité et durable.
✏️ Julien Revenu
🥗 Avec la #Sécurité #sociale de l’ #alimentation on fait basculer l’ #économie par l’alimentation
#civam https://www.civam.org/avec-la-securite-sociale-de-lalimentation-on-fait-basculer-leconomie-par-lalimentation/
#inrae #transition #ssa #planification #démocratie #paysannes #paysans #rechercheaction #Accessible #rural
#rural #accessible #rechercheaction #paysans #paysannes #democratie #planification #ssa #transition #inrae #civam #economie #alimentation #sociale #securite
📣 Rencontre paysanne jeudi 16 mars 19h30 à #connexionpaysanne #redon à la #bibliothèque La Terre Aux Pavés comment les #agriculteurs luttent contre la #précarité #alimentaire #lutte #agriculture
ℹ️ Cycle d'évènements autour de la #securitesociale de l' #alimentation #SSA
#ssa #alimentation #securitesociale #agriculture #lutte #alimentaire #precarite #agriculteurs #bibliotheque #redon #connexionpaysanne
Bénédicte Bonzi a réalisé un travail de recherche lors de sa thèse qui l’a amené, en partant d’une réflexion sur le don alimentaire, à développer la notion de violences alimentaires.
Elles sont le résultat de l’instrumentalisation par le complexe agro-industriel de l’aide alimentaire, permises par l’absence de droit à l’alimentation.
Après la vidéo du collectif #SSA, vous aurez sûrement envie de lire le livre, qui paraît la semaine prochaine aux éditions du Seuil !