Congratulations @AnneCharmantier for your election as @sse_evolution president!! This is amazing!
A very nice team with @HowardRundle4 and @michaelwhitlock as VPs!
Hi all,
As I am following and following-back many new people, I just wanted to say that I am happy to see you all here.
I am still afraid and sad of losing Science Twitter, but I am getting more hopeful that we will manage to recreate its nicer aspects over here.
#twittermigration #sciencemastodon #SSEfolks #ESEBfolks #SMBEfolks #ASNfolks
#twittermigration #sciencemastodon #ssefolks #esebfolks #smbefolks #asnfolks
#Introductions Hello! I am an evolutionary biologist working at CNRS and based in Paris (France). I work on models of gene drive, and on Covid-19.
I am happy to be back in a place where we can have interesting scientific conversations without being interrupted by trolls.
#SMBEfolks #ESEBfolks #ASNfolks #SSEfolks #FollowForPopGenBack #ScienceMastodon
#introductions #smbefolks #esebfolks #asnfolks #ssefolks #followforpopgenback #sciencemastodon