Is it possible to teach #hugo a new content type? Use case: Have Hugo reading JPEG files, extract EXIF data and generate posts from the image and data.
I understand Hugo does not support plugins. Any other means to do this?
#hugo #ssg #staticsitegenerator
Still trying to find a good image optimisation pipeline for @astro that has good support for being used in framework components and can work with arbitrary paths (as in load content from variables). `astro-imagetools` is alright, but it doesn't seem to be actively maintained anymore and does a little too much. 🤔
It's the one thing I really miss from #Gridsome. 😅
Maybe I should try building something on top of the built-in asset system in v3. 🤔
#gridsome #webdev #jamstack #ssg
Any Statamic experts familiar with this error, and the possible solution?
Generation fails - Nesting level too deep
Hey folks.
We like sharing links here.
But many of the links we've started sharing now include additional context courtesy of our sibling project, @jaredwhite's That HTML Blog.
So y'all might like to check that out and add the RSS Feed / Newsletter Digest to your reader(s) of choice.
And if YOU have something to share, email links(at) with all the deets!
#webdev #html #css #javascript #webcomponents #ssg #ssr
“Rebuilding a Solar Powered Website”, written by Kris De Decker, Marie Otsuka, @rra and @marieverdeil
When a blog post is then loaded in the browser, download the index as well and use it to fetch the replies for that blog post from Mastodon.
For optimisation and depending on the frequency of new blog posts, you could split the index into yearly/monthly/weekly chunks, so not too much unnecessary information has to be downloaded for any given post—I guess you could even store one post ID per file, but that seems a bit like premature optimisation. 😅
What do you think? 🤔
La empresa que presta el servicio de ambulancias en #CórdobaESP: #SSG son unos mercenarios y unos explotadores. En primer termino, por supuesto, con sus trabajadores. Y afectando a los usuarios y pacientes que necesitan este *servicio básico público* que está privatizado. Pagando un beneficio empresarial por un servicio de mierda. #PP
Thing is: at work we build sites using #wordpress because that's all we all have in our toolset.
But in many cases it's unnecessary, unuseful, and inefficient.
I'd love to start offering quicker and safer sites created with some #ssg
I need to document it but now Kitchen-Sink (recall, my static-site generator) also is capable of serving multiple sites over TLS . It can also proxy some API calls to upstream backends (and will likely soon have a disovery/healthchecking-enabled one as I have most bricks already -- main difficulty is the config layout).
#haskell #ssg
#Angular v16.2 just dropped this week with lots of cool new features.
On the tooling side we've got:
✅ Performance improvements for our experimental #esbuild + #vite stack.
✅ A new, experimental "application builder" which supports #CSR, #SSR, and #SSG all in one with an improved devserver and faster build times.
✅ Automatic injection of preload hints for #JS and #CSS used in the initial load.
There's even more beyond tooling and lots more cool stuff coming. Very excited about what's in the pipeline for v17!
#angular #esbuild #vite #csr #ssr #ssg #js #css
I’ve never built anything using a static site generator. If I would like to dip my toes, where do I start explore.
Would like something I can run locally, on my Mac, and just push the rendered html pages to a web server. Not thinking on nothing more than a small bloggish site, with content written in #Markdown and metadata in #YAML.
Don’t think it makes any difference what editor I use for that. But if it does, something that plays nice with #Obsidian would be welcome.
#markdown #yaml #obsidian #ssg
Do you know any hosting providers that:
1. Can host static html/css/javascript/image files that do not require git? (So no to gitlab/github/codeberg pages)
2. I can connect with my domain name (
3. Is free
The closest I know is where one can get 100 MB storage. But there I can't connect with my domain name.
Please boost! :)
#askfedi #hosting #ssg #hexo #jekyll #html
did some more hacking on my underconstruction site using tera templating language. it's a learning curve, but I managed to tick two tasks in 'version 0.6'.
I've got no idea about current web dev, but I'm trying to get a site together for some friends. I've hit a blogspam-filled snag.
Is there a Elementor/Wix-ish WYSIWYG site designer that (more or less) generates templates for static site generators? Should I just let them loose with any page or graphic designer and adapt it?
Current plan is a headless CMS (evaluating Strapi, Payload, Ghost) plugged into Hugo or similar.
#OpenSource #WebDev #WebDevelopment #WebDesign #SSG #StaticGen
#opensource #webdev #webdevelopment #webdesign #ssg #staticgen
🚀 SuCoS v2.0.0 is here! Unleashing Pages with plain output, #wordcount, #SEO boosters, & more control. A creative game-changer awaits you! Dive in now 👉 💥🔥#SSG
Working with this Hugo site in GitHub Codespaces
Development Containers work well with WSL2 and GitHub Codespaces, found problems from Windows #TIL #devcontainers #codespaces #hugo #SSG #100DaysToOffload
#til #devcontainers #codespaces #hugo #ssg #100daystooffload
Working with this Hugo site in GitHub Codespaces
Development Containers work well with WSL2 and GitHub Codespaces, found problems from Windows #TIL #devcontainers #codespaces #hugo #SSG #100DaysToOffload
#til #devcontainers #codespaces #hugo #ssg #100daystooffload