Does anybody have experience with Decap CMS, the former Netlify CMS, to use with Hugo blogs?
I'm looking for a simple solution to creating posts for Hugo, ideally allowing multiple sites, and I'm open to other solutions.
Low cost is great, free is better.
#hugo #gohugo #cms #netlifycms #decapcms #ssg #ssgs
@aperalesf A mi me parece que lo novedoso es la "interfaz gráfica" a un #SSGs y que te lo pública él ¿es así? Casi que prefiero un SSGs cualquiera y un sitio para hospedar de lo más simple.
New post >> Get help on the Hugo Community Discord server • It’s not an official help source, but it’s often friendlier than the one that is.
#Hugo #SSGs #StaticSiteGenerators #WebDev #Discord #OnlineHelp
#hugo #ssgs #staticsitegenerators #webdev #discord #OnlineHelp
New post > Added support for AVIFs • Thanks to recent updates to several Apple operating systems, the AVIF format is once again a reasonable choice for providing images on your website.
#ImageProcessing #AVIF #Cloudinary #FileCompression #StaticWebsites #StaticSiteGenerators #SSGs #Safari
#imageprocessing #avif #cloudinary #filecompression #StaticWebsites #staticsitegenerators #ssgs #safari
Following up on something Dan Hon mentioned in his newsletter, about Bezos trying to leverage AWS into a dependency for newspapers, I remembered reading about NPR's Python driven static site generator for news sites, and it's still there, but in Node (aw, but I like Flask)