#wlan #wifi #iphone #ios16_4 #ssid #wlan_roaming
Einfacher Sachverhalt - seltsames Problem:
Router = Host WLAN > + 2 APs
Alle drei WLAN-Zugänge haben die gleiche SSID / den gleichen Namen vom Host und dessen WLAN-Key bzw. Passwort.
Unter Android, Linux, Windows verbindet sich das Gerät automatisch mit einem der empfangbaren WLAN-Netze und wechselt automatisch in das "bessere" Netz.
Das iPhone mit iOS 16.4 wechselt NICHT = kein Empfang mehr.
Gibt es dafür eine Lösung?
#wlan #wifi #iphone #ios16_4 #ssid #wlan_roaming
@T_X I still have my #arednmesh routers. You can make them play together if you change the #ssid of the #hsmmmesh routers
Rickrolling SSID with ESP32 https://hackaday.com/2023/04/23/rickrolling-ssid-with-esp32/ #Microcontrollers #WirelessHacks #ArduinoHacks #Rrickroll #ESP32 #prank #wi-fi #ssid
#Microcontrollers #WirelessHacks #ArduinoHacks #rrickroll #ESP32 #prank #wi #ssid
Rickrolling SSID with ESP32 - Reddit user [nomoreimfull] posted code for a dynamic WiFi beacon to r/arduino. Th... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/23/rickrolling-ssid-with-esp32/ #microcontrollers #wirelesshacks #arduinohacks #rrickroll #esp32 #prank #wi-fi #ssid
#ssid #wi #prank #esp32 #rrickroll #arduinohacks #wirelesshacks #microcontrollers
Um #Epson this is quite normal and should not present a problem for your printers! #WiFi #SSID #networking #printer
#epson #wifi #ssid #networking #printer
Is anyone into self-sovereign identity #ssid ? I'm playing around with Decentralized Identifiers and Decentralized Web Nodes. Here's the spec https://identity.foundation/decentralized-web-node/spec/
Happy to meet you 👋
📬 WLAN Passwort anzeigen – unter Windows kein Problem
#Tutorials #CMD #PasswortimKlartext #Sicherheitsschlüssel #SSID #WiFiPasswort #windows10 #Windows11 #WLANPasswort https://tarnkappe.info/tutorials/wlan-passwort-anzeigen-unter-windows-kein-problem-264330.html
#wlanpasswort #windows11 #windows10 #wifipasswort #ssid #sicherheitsschlussel #passwortimklartext #cmd #tutorials
FreeAssange[,Now]<PROFANITY> are a pretty good #SSIDs.
A hash (#) in the #SSID made it inaccessible to Apple products, if we remember correctly.
Out of curiosity, probably an #infosec #question, why do (Android) #smartphone|s allow trusted #Bluetooth devices whose connection keeps them from locking but not trusted #wifi #SSID|s? Is it because SSIDs can be chosen by a user and the Bluetooth devices are unique, id'ed by a MAC address or something?
#ssid #wifi #Bluetooth #Smartphone #question #InfoSec
Do people still rename their #WiFi #SSID? (I know, biased audience and all...)
Just looking at the list of available WiFi networks from my house and I'm fairly certain we are the only ones that have changed the SSID. Everything else looks like the standard "SKY-..." or "BTHOMEHUB..."
Looks like a few individual devices broadcasting their own WiFi hotspots too... 😲😬
Bugger, hit "toot!" instead of "newline."
#WiFi and #DHCP are starting to frost my pumpkins. The 2.4GHz band in my #neighbourhood is *very* busy, and a lot of my devices are having trouble #associating to the #router by #SSID. I don't necessarily *want* them to use DHCP. My single foray into #OpenWRT bricked a #DLink DIR-645 despite my following the instructions meticulously. ☹️
I really *don't* want a cable gang appearing out of the floor in my office upstairs, but..
Le sigh.
#wifi #dhcp #neighbourhood #associating #router #ssid #openwrt #dlink
An #SSID can serve as a bumper sticker. Why waste that by using a dull string like “The Robinson’s”? It’s a way to broadcast words of wisdom or activism. An AP has 1 SSID & perhaps a few guest SSIDs. It’s insufficient. I could easily come up with 100+ slogans. In principle, these should go on a list & be rotated daily. It would likely be easy to script on #openwrt routers.
@dsfgs @aktivismoEstasMiaLuo And in light of the fact that an #iPhone will report your #SSID, MAC, etc to #Apple, it seems like a perfectly just move. Some would call it an attack, but I think it can be called a defense.
@dsfgs An #SSID now must also include “_optout” to opt out of #Microsoft’s #WiFiSense. AFAIK, “_nomap” must still be at the end to avoid Google maps, but “_optout” can come before that. So ultimately your SSID should be: “Free_Julian_Assange_Now_optout_nomap”.
deswegen schalte ich die #WLAN Funktion des Smartpones Standardmäig aus:
auch wenn ich das noch nicht wusste - aber macht das auch
#Datenschutz #SSID #CyberSecurity
#CyberSecurity #ssid #datenschutz #wlan
📬 WLAN-Netzwerksuche: Smartphones offenbaren sensible Daten
#Datenschutz #Studie #SSID #UniversitätHamburg #WiFiNetzwerke #WiFiProbing #WLANVerbindungsanfragen https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/datenschutz/wlan-netzwerksuche-smartphones-offenbaren-sensible-daten-243250.html
#WLANVerbindungsanfragen #WiFiProbing #WiFiNetzwerke #universitäthamburg #ssid #studie #datenschutz
Today (Sunday) why not help free a great investigative journalist, #JulianAssange by changing your #SSID to "FREE_JULIAN_ASSANGE_NOW".
Your SSID is the name that appears in the list of #availableNetworks.
#FREE_JULIAN_ASSANGE_NOW #investigativeJournalism #freeJournalistAssangeRN
#julianassange #ssid #availableNetworks #FREE_JULIAN_ASSANGE_NOW #investigativejournalism #freeJournalistAssangeRN