Michael Connor Buchan · @TheFake_VIP
710 followers · 2759 posts · Server linuxrocks.online

I never thaught I'd be saying this, but processing from to turn into with was an utterly *enjoyable* experience! I know right, in what universe is that possible? But props go to Daniel Veillard, Gnome, and contributors. It's fast, simple, and easy to understand, and everything just worked!

#libxml2 #ssml #xhtml #c #xml

Last updated 1 year ago

Giorgio Robino · @solyarisoftware
35 followers · 27 posts · Server sigmoid.social

Using for , with ?
Some smarter usage examples:

1. ask GPT to create the SSML from a text requiring a given a tone (e.g. positive)

2. ask GPT to assign itself the tone, dynamically in relation of the contextual meaning of each sentence (to be improved)

original post: twitter.com/solyarisoftware/st

#gpt #voice #tts #NLG #ssml

Last updated 2 years ago

Web Accessibility Initiative · @wai
189 followers · 68 posts · Server w3c.social

We’re looking for people interested in technical solutions to text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis pronunciation πŸ”‰ Please review requirements in updated Drafts.
See questions in email lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/p
For background, see w3.org/WAI/pronunciation/

#a11y #tts #pronunciation #ssml

Last updated 5 years ago

Michael Connor Buchan · @TheFake_VIP
533 followers · 1783 posts · Server linuxrocks.online

RT @LeonieWatson

Working on some demos and examples for a new talk on ways to make artificial speech sound more human (one day)

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/LeonieWatson/statu

#voicexml #ssml #webspeechapi #cssspeech

Last updated 6 years ago