cute guy with a #sholderspica #shoulderCast #sss
#gay #castfetish #GayCastFetish #castbondage #gaycastbondage #brokenleg #legcast #brokenbone #gesso #yeso #platre #gips #gipsfetisch #gipsbein #gipsarm #amcast #legcast #crutches
#webfind #sholderspica #shouldercast #sss #gay #castfetish #GayCastFetish #castbondage #gaycastbondage #brokenleg #legcast #brokenbone #gesso #yeso #platre #gips #gipsfetisch #gipsbein #gipsarm #amcast #crutches
@Androiders en av planeterna är i Söderhamn, i en park/gräsyta framför biblioteket och systemet.
#Wow! Detta kände jag inte till:
Sweden solar system, #sss världens största "modell" av solsystemet utspritt över Sverige :)
Och, en utmärkt karta för roadtrip på motorcykel i sommar!
Wat zien ik??
Trots op onze bijdrage Willem Halffman in #socialstudiesofscience #sss over de rol van #veldgidsen - in ons geval #libellen - bij het waarnemen en tot stand komen van #biodiversiteitsdata.
#socialstudiesofscience #sss #veldgidsen #libellen #biodiversiteitsdata #jizz #thedifferencethatmakesthedifference
My presentation, "#KnoBAB: Making #Logic Fast" on bridging #DataScience data processing algorithms with #AI, is accepted to the #AAAI23 Spring Symposia, #SSS. This presentation advocates for the representation of #LTLf as #Algebraic operators for accessing finite traces on #RDBMS.
Link to the fast LTLf solver: https://github.com/datagram-db/knobab
See you in #SanFrancisco!
#sanfrancisco #rdbms #algebraic #ltlf #sss #aaai23 #ai #datascience #logic #knobab
Spendensammlungen für die Erdbebenopfer in Syrien sind wegen den Sanktionen über GoFundMe nicht möglich.
RT @BakuninsT
Die Spendensammlung zur Hilfe #Erdbeben-Opfer in #Syrien musste wegen den Sanktionen ausgesetzt werden.
Soviel zu den Lügen, dass die Sanktionen die humanitäre Hilfe in Syrien nicht beeinträchtigen.
#SSS #StopSanctionsOnSyria #Stopsyriansanctions https://twitter.com/bakuninst/status/1622687746836860945
#erdbeben #syrien #sss #StopSanctionsOnSyria #Stopsyriansanctions
Die Spendensammlung zur Hilfe #Erdbeben-Opfer in #Syrien musste wegen den Sanktionen ausgesetzt werden.
Soviel zu den Lügen, dass die Sanktionen die humanitäre Hilfe in Syrien nicht beeinträchtigen.
#SSS #StopSanctionsOnSyria #Stopsyriansanctions
RT @BakuninsT
Die Hilfsbereitschaft ist grandios. Innerhalb von 4 Stunden sind bereits 3.345 EUR zusammengekommen.
#erdbeben #StopSanctionsOnSyria #syrien #sss #Stopsyriansanctions
#SSS #StopSanctionsOnSyria #StopSanctionsOnSyrians
Die effektivste humanitäre Hilfe:
Stoppt die Sanktionen gegen #Syrien!
#sss #erdbeben #StopSanctionsOnSyria #StopSanctionsOnSyrians #syrien
RT @lupodibrughiera
#earthquake #earthquakesyria 💔🙏🕯️
#earthquakeinturkey 💔🙏🕯️
#SyriaNeedsHelp #earthquake #earthquakesyria #EarthquakeinTurkey #terremototurchia #terremotosiria #sss #StopSanctioningSyria #BastaSanzioniallaSiria #LiftSanctionsOnSyria #LIFTSANCTIONSONSYRIANOW
Spun Out
#MotionGraphics #mograph #cinema4d #c4d #redshift #redshift3d #SSS #Hair #Simulation #c4dart #3d #render #digitalart
#digitalart #render #3d #c4dart #simulation #hair #sss #redshift3d #redshift #c4d #cinema4d #mograph #motiongraphics
Anyone got a good source for measured diffusion profiles? Something like https://physicallybased.info/, but with the raw 2D profiles? #SSS #datadriven
Anyone has a good source for measured diffusion profiles?
Suomen Urheilu Gaala 2023. Salon Seudun Sanomat urheilutoimittaja Juha Tuuna kirjoitti sss2023.01.13 lehdessä Ylänurkka palstallaan otsikolla Varjogaala. Läpimurto palkinto Teemu Selänne: Selänteen pelipaikka on pydynyt Twitterissä samana kuin kaukalossa: Oikea laita. #ug2023 #sss #varjogaala
Fighting is for Suckers
#maxonvfx #cinema4d #c4d #maxon4d #mograph #c4dart #redshift #redshift3d #redshiftrender #SubsufaceScattering #SSS #Fracture #VoronoiFracture #Simulation #c4dart #3d #render #WIP #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #mograph #design #digitalart #candy #suckers #lollypop
#lollypop #suckers #candy #digitalart #design #motiongraphics #motiondesign #wip #render #3d #simulation #voronoifracture #fracture #sss #subsufacescattering #redshiftrender #redshift3d #redshift #c4dart #mograph #maxon4d #c4d #cinema4d #maxonvfx
#sss Seven Sentence Story
He stood immobile as they wheeled him through the yard. Scrap steel clanged under the sled that carried him to his station.In a few minutes he would be peeling engine blocks apart like so much tissue paper and getting paid under the table for it.
But not long ago he was Strongman and he had crushed diamonds into something incredible, then ground it into so much dust between his hands. His strength was immeasurable, but his control was limited. When concrete crumbled at his lighted touch, how could he possibly live in this delicate world. How could the invincible man possibly die?
#sss Seven Sentence Story
The grizzled man tossed a vidchip across the table and asked, "what's this story about?"
"Some guys bring back dinosaurs and they kill everyone or something," replied his young companion.
"And this one," he pressed and a second vidchip clinked hitting the first.
"I guess it's about these robots that free themselves and kill everyone"
The man's rheumy eyes shone as he leaned forward in the dim light, "so you understand why we need to find God."
The youth held fast against all instincts to recoil and replied, "not really,"
"Because if we don't find It first, they'll kill It"
For all the blabbing and jaw flapping that goes on about “getting your eight hours of sleep,” let me just say, it does not work for me. Not everyone needs eight hours of sleep. Stop trying to convince me I’m going to die suddenly or too soon if I don’t get enough sleep!
Short Sleep Syndrome is not an illness or sickness, but describes a genetic pre-disposition to sleeping fewer than 6.5 hours per day regularly and without consequence.
#shortsleep #shortsleeper #shortsleepsyndrome #sss