【新公開】 Stability AI Japan は最高性能の日本語言語モデル「Japanese StableLM Base Alpha 7B」と「Japanese StableLM Instruct Alpha 7B」を公開しました!技術面などの詳細はこちらのブログをご参照ください。👉ja.stability.ai/blog/japanese-…
#StabilityAI #LLM
Stability AI released the StableCode - their first LLM generative AI product for coding today. The new model - StableCode-Completion-Alpha-3B is a 3 billion parameter decoder-only code completion model pre-trained on a diverse set of programming languages using Stackoverflow developer survey data.
Hugging Face 🤗: https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stablecode-completion-alpha-3b
Release notes: https://stability.ai/blog/stablecode-llm-generative-ai-coding
#nlp #llm #MachineLearning #deeplearning #DataScience #stabilityai #huggingface
#huggingface #stabilityai #DataScience #deeplearning #MachineLearning #LLM #nlp
Stability AI releases Stable Diffusion XL, its next-gen image synthesis model - Enlarge / Several examples of images generated using Stable Diffusion X... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1956972 #machinelearning #stablediffusion #imagesynthesis #stabilityai #biz #tech #sdxl #ai
#ai #sdxl #tech #biz #stabilityai #imagesynthesis #stablediffusion #machinelearning
Ars Technica: Stability AI releases Stable Diffusion XL, its next-gen image synthesis model https://arstechnica.com/?p=1956972 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #machinelearning #StableDiffusion #imagesynthesis #StabilityAI #Biz&IT #Tech #SDXL #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #machinelearning #StableDiffusion #imagesynthesis #stabilityai #biz #sdxl #ai
Stability-AI-CEO: KI wird die größte Blase aller Zeiten
„Ich nenne es die ‚Dot-KI‘-Blase, und sie hat noch nicht einmal begonnen“, warnte Mostaque.
Noch eins 😊
Über das Web Tool hat meine Kollegin Eva @heiseonline heute berichtet.
#StableDoodle #AIArt #DigitalArt #StabilityAI
#stabilityai #DigitalArt #AIArt #stabledoodle
Hah - This is fun!
Hab grad mal Stable Doodle ausprobiert:
#Jellyfish #qualle #stabilityai #stabledoodle
> .> Joseph Saveri and Matthew Butterick, the attorneys representing the authors, in January also sued Stability AI on behalf of visual artists who accused the "parasite" app of glomming off their work. Last year the duo filed a lawsuit against GitHub, alleging its AI-assisted coding tool built on stolen coders' work.
- https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sarah-silverman-sues-openai-and-meta-over-copied-memoir-the-bedwetter/
#MatthewButterick of #BeautifulRacket in court against #StabilityAI and #GitHub for #AIcoding along with other #AISalami apps like #ChatGPT
#chatgpt #aisalami #aicoding #github #stabilityai #beautifulracket #MatthewButterick
In fünf Jahren soll es keine Programmierer mehr geben?
Dass behauptete jedenfalls Emad Mostaque, Gründer und CEO von Stability AI in einem Podcast.
Ende nächsten Jahres, so Mostaque, „werden Sie ChatGPT auf Ihrem Mobiltelefon ohne Internetverbindung nutzen können“.
Den ganzen Artikel dazu findest du hier: 👉 https://t3n.de/news/stability-ai-mostaque-interview-ki-programmierer-1562787/?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=referral #chatgpt #ki #stablediffusion #stabilityai #github #entwickler
#chatgpt #ki #stablediffusion #stabilityai #github #entwickler
2/ 🧵
Now, what if that giant #database is used to train #AI platforms like #MidJourney or #StabilityAI or #DeviantArt ??
And what if those AI platforms create #artwork BASED on your work?
What if they make a huge #profit off the backs of you and other artists?
➡️ SAD FACT: it's happening right now.
Join me for a deep dive into the #lawsuit to fight back, the #tech and #laws behind #copyright and the recent #scotus decision on Andy Warhol.
It's fascinating.
#database #ai #midjourney #stabilityai #deviantart #artwork #profit #lawsuit #tech #laws #copyright #scotus
Thousands of realistic but fake AI child sex images found online, report says - Enlarge (credit: zf L | Moment)
Child safety experts are growi... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1948977 #childsexualabusematerials #artificialintelligence #stablediffusion #generativeai #stabilityai #midjourney #darkweb #policy #dall-e #fbi #ai
#ai #fbi #dall #policy #darkweb #midjourney #stabilityai #generativeAI #stablediffusion #artificialintelligence #childsexualabusematerials
Ars Technica: Thousands of realistic but fake AI child sex images found online, report says https://arstechnica.com/?p=1948977 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #childsexualabusematerials #ArtificialIntelligence #StableDiffusion #generativeai #StabilityAI #MidJourney #darkweb #Policy #dall-e #fbi #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #childsexualabusematerials #artificialintelligence #StableDiffusion #generativeAI #stabilityai #midjourney #darkweb #policy #dall #fbi #ai
Stability AI seems to have the same pattern as Theranos/FTX/Wirecard. Would be careful with this company until proven otherwise.
What is fair use? US Supreme Court weighs in on AI’s copyright dilemma - Many firms with generative AI models are being sued for copyright... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/what-is-fair-use-us-supreme-court-weighs-in-on-ai-s-copyright-dilemma #transformativeuse #marshablackburn #stablediffusion #generativefill #supremecourt #generativeai #gettyimages #stabilityai #andywarhol #samaltman #fairuse #openai #adboe
#adboe #openai #fairuse #samaltman #andywarhol #stabilityai #gettyimages #generativeAI #supremecourt #generativefill #stablediffusion #marshablackburn #transformativeuse
I have no idea:
"Rock and roll sound guy in front of large mixing board and speakers" Comic Book Style. #StabilityAI
#StabilityAI launches #StableLM, an #opensource #ChatGPT alternative
StableLM's 3B and 7B #LLM are available now on #GitHub under #CC4.0 license. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/04/stable-diffusion-for-language-stability-launches-open-source-ai-chatbot/ #creativecommons
#stabilityai #stablelm #opensource #chatgpt #llm #github #cc4 #creativecommons
Certainement pratique, mais aussi problématique. L’extrapolation ce n’est jamais que l’invention de pixels qui n’existent pas. Très different d’ailleurs de Blade Runner ou on découvre des détails enregistrés à la prise de vue
RT @mikiane@twitter.activitypub.actor
Vous vous souvenez de cette scène de Blade Runner (première édition) où on découvre une machine à magnifier des images ?
On y est 🫳 https://stability.ai/blog/stability-ai-releases-image-upscaling-api
#StabilityAI Launches the first of its #StableLM suite of Language Models. #ai