Yeah I noticed some #StabilityIssues using #OsuLazer. Basically I had to do a #HardReset on my #SteamDeck after #LeftClick stopped working, instead it wanted to move all windows around 😆
I couldn't even left click on restart so I had to hold the power button for like 10-15 seconds for it to #Reset
#stabilityissues #osulazer #hardreset #SteamDeck #leftclick #reset
Everybody who laughed at the deck had their first laugh when Steam released a Linux client for their Steam application.
I guess some are still laughing but they can't deny that you can play a whole lot of stuff on it and it's #Linux and it #JustWorks.
Are there #StabilityIssues? Do I have to wait sometimes for #Eternity for it to quit a game? Yes. Restarting often? OH YES! Am I doing anything wrong? NOPE. Do I want advice? NOPE.
#linux #justworks #stabilityissues #eternity #twowords