QGIS3.32を利用してLASからCOPCとSTAC仕様に基づいたVirtual Point Clouds(仮想点群)を生成する
#qiita #vpc #QGIS #PointCloud #STAC
#qiita #vpc #qgis #pointcloud #stac
Back in April CDSE has announced that the STAC API is online:
The (somewhat rudimentary) documentation says it has still some limitations but basic search with PySTAC should work:
Not sure if this indeed the case at the moment:
Am I missing something?
#stac #cdse #remotesensing #earthobservation
Hey EO friends! Have you tried HLS yet? It's a Landsat and Sentinel fusion dataset that will get your 30 meter pixels buzzing. Check out my post for some tips for getting started and for a look at why you should be using this awesome dataset!
#geospatial #stac #remotesensing #sentinel2 #landsat
STAC + stackstac + xarray is a powerful combination. I put together a short post highlighting my favorite new tools for working with satellite imagery.
#python #geospatial #xarray #eo #dataengineering #stac #remotesensing
#remotesensing #stac #dataengineering #eo #xarray #geospatial #Python
GIS people, I've initiated a STAC extension proposal to list CF parameters. If you're working with #NetCDF or you're active in #geospatial #oceanography or #climate science, please look at it in the GitHub repository. It sure needs some love and tweaking!
Your feedback is much appreciated.
#netcdf #geospatial #oceanography #climate #gischat #stac #spatiotemporalassetcatalog #cf
RT @giswqs@twitter.com
#Leafmap new feature - Searching and visualizing open #geospatial datasets (#STAC) interactively without coding. It will support #AWS Open Data, #EarthEngine, #PlanetaryComputer, NASA CMR, STAC Index.
Leafmap: https://github.com/giswqs/leafmap/pull/340
Data catalogs: https://github.com/giswqs/geospatial-data-catalogs
#leafmap #geospatial #stac #aws #earthengine #PlanetaryComputer
Cloud Optimized Point Clouds [podcast]
H/T Daniel O'Donohue | @MapScaping
#GIS #spatial #mapping #gischat #COPC #STAC #PDAL #cloud #pointcloud #cloudstorage #CloudOptimized #3D #3DPointCloud #bigdata #delivery #storage #index #indexes #OakTrees #cube #tiling #searching #podcast #data #clouds
#gis #spatial #mapping #gischat #copc #stac #pdal #cloud #pointcloud #cloudstorage #cloudoptimized #3d #3dpointcloud #bigdata #delivery #storage #index #indexes #oaktrees #cube #tiling #searching #podcast #data #clouds
I wonder if @gadomski realized he included a picture of Minnesota on his intro slide?? #stacspec #stac #foss4gnashville
#stacspec #stac #foss4gnashville
@Emily_S this is awesome. I was wondering if you heard of #OGCAPI records. We are working to align it with #stac so that it can be a superset of stac :-) https://github.com/opengeospatial/ogcapi-records your feedback would be very welcome! #standards #catalogues #metadata
#OGCAPI #stac #standards #catalogues #metadata
RT @giswqs@twitter.com
#Leafmap v0.12.0 is out. New features include support for @bokeh@twitter.com. It supports loading vector data (GeoJSON, Shapefile, etc.) and raster data (#COG, #STAC, or local raster datasets) with only one line of code.
Notebook: https://leafmap.org/notebooks/58_bokeh/
Docs: https://leafmap.org/bokehmap/
#GeoDataDays 2022!
Bonjour à tous ! Un petit espace pour discuter des GéoDataDays, peut-être que certains d’entre vous y seront ! Du côté de la Fabrique des géocommuns, on organise un atelier mercredi à 13h45 pour présenter les quatre chantiers en cours : Base Adresse Nationale,
Vues immersives libres, Obligations légales de débroussaillement, Cartographie des réglementations forestières.
#geocommuns #sig #ign #openstreetmap #geovisio #stac #zfs
#geodatadays #GeoCommuns #sig #ign #openstreetmap #GeoVisio #stac #zfs
C'est LE sujet en cours de discussions. L'idée est que de nombreux serveurs de stockage soient fédérés entre eux pour répartir le stockage et diminuer les coûts.
Puis, les catalogues de photos sont 'échangés' via le protocole #STAC (https://stacspec.org/)