This is one of my #NativePlant beds. It has #LambsEar #StachysByzantina - #EdiblePlant
I highly recommend #growing this #herbaceous #perennial #plant if you're in #zone8 or seeking some #HeatTolerant & #DroughtTolerant plants. It can withstand high heat & long periods without water - resilient plant.
#GardenersOfMastodon #MastodonGardeners #YYJgardeners #FoodGarden #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #PlantAGarden #GrowPlantsNotHate #Gardening
#NativePlant #lambsear #stachysbyzantina #edibleplant #growing #herbaceous #perennial #plant #zone8 #heattolerant #droughttolerant #gardenersofmastodon #mastodongardeners #yyjgardeners #foodgarden #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #plantagarden #growplantsnothate #gardening
#monochrome of #LambsEar - #StachysByzantina - #leaves 🍃
#Excellent for #edible #landscape #gardens 👌 It's a #medicinal #plant too. You can smash up leaves & apply to cuts/insect bites when out in the bush. Add young leaves to salad or soups or fry up. Infuse into tea to treat colds & it relieves gum & throat infections.
#Pollinators love them. #Natural #soil amender. Grows well in poor soil conditions. Low care & fast spreader.
#WoolyWoundwort #zone8 #yyj #Saanich #zone8 #plants #GrowThis
#monochrome #lambsear #stachysbyzantina #leaves #excellent #edible #landscape #gardens #medicinal #plant #pollinators #natural #soil #woolywoundwort #zone8 #yyj #saanich #plants #growthis