The North America Nebula, also ✨ NGC 7000 ✨. I captured it about a year ago using DSLR but decided to finally pull the trigger and get the narrowband filters.
These Sulfur-2, Hydrogen-alpha and Oxygen-3 filters allowed me to recreate the Hubble telescope color palette (as seen on the famous Pillars of Creation image).
#astro #backyardastronomy #astrophotography #ngc7000 #ngc #northamerica #north #america #nebula #narrowband #cosmos #mono #photography #pixinsight #stacking #stars #universe
#astro #BackYardAstronomy #astrophotography #ngc7000 #ngc #northamerica #north #america #nebula #narrowband #Cosmos #mono #photography #pixinsight #stacking #stars #universe
Black-and-red #froghoppers (#Cercopis vulnerata) mating
#photography #photo #nature #naturephotography #mft #microfourthirds #darktable #stacking #zerenestacker #macrophotography #macro #nature #naturephotography #animals #wildlife #insects #cercopisvulnerata #zikaden #blutzikade
#froghoppers #cercopis #photography #photo #nature #naturephotography #mft #microfourthirds #darktable #stacking #ZereneStacker #macrophotography #macro #animals #wildlife #insects #cercopisvulnerata #zikaden #blutzikade
A tiny crab spider (Xysticus sp.) on a blade of grass.
Crab spiders are ambush hunters which do not build webs.
#photography #photo #nature #naturephotography #mft #microfourthirds #darktable #stacking #zerenestacker #animals #arachnida #arachnids #thomisidae #spiders #spidersunday #xysticus #spinnen #krabbenspinne
#photography #photo #nature #naturephotography #mft #microfourthirds #darktable #stacking #ZereneStacker #animals #arachnida #arachnids #thomisidae #spiders #spidersunday #xysticus #spinnen #Krabbenspinne
Cidnopus pilosus on the lookout
This 11 mm long click beetle has no English name
#photography #photo #mft #microfourthirds #darktable #stacking #zerenestacker #macrophotography #macro #nature #naturephotography #animals #wildlife #insects #beetles #elateridae #cidnopus #cidnopuspilosus #käfer #schnellkäfer
#photography #photo #mft #microfourthirds #darktable #stacking #ZereneStacker #macrophotography #macro #nature #naturephotography #animals #wildlife #insects #beetles #Elateridae #cidnopus #cidnopuspilosus #kafer #schnellkafer
Seven-spot ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata) on stinging nettle.
#photography #photo #macrophotography #macro #nature #naturephotography #animals #wildlife #insects #beetles #coccinella #coccinellaseptempunctata #ladybird #ladybug #marienkäfer #focusstacking #stacking #zerenestacker #mft #microfourthirds #darktable
#photography #photo #macrophotography #macro #nature #naturephotography #animals #wildlife #insects #beetles #coccinella #CoccinellaSeptempunctata #ladybird #ladybug #marienkafer #focusstacking #stacking #ZereneStacker #mft #microfourthirds #darktable
A buttercup (Ranunculus sp.) on a rainy day.
Fortunately the weather is still rather wet. I can't remember another year when I was so happy about a rainy spring.
#photography #photo #plants #nature #macro #macrophotography #closeup #flowers #naturephotography #buttercup #ranunculus #butterblume #mft #microfourthirds #darktable #stacking #zerenestacker
#photography #photo #plants #nature #macro #macrophotography #closeup #flowers #naturephotography #buttercup #ranunculus #butterblume #mft #microfourthirds #darktable #stacking #ZereneStacker
𝗣𝗲𝘁𝗶𝘁 𝗛𝗶𝗴𝗵-𝗞𝗲𝘆 𝗱𝗲 𝗽𝗮̂𝗾𝘂𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲
La pâquerette est traitée pour que les pétales de la fleur se différencient juste du fond. Tout en subtilité. Ça ne passe probablement pas sur tous les écrans...
This daisy is processed so that the petals are just differentiated from the background. It probably doesn't look good on all screens...
Das Gänseblümchen ist so bearbeitet, dass sich die Blütenblätter gerade noch vom weißen Hintergrund abheben.
#flowers #macro #printemps #foto #stacking
Tiny lichen (Xanthoria parietina) on a twig
This is approximately 7 mm in nature.
#photography #photo #nature #macro #macrophotography #naturephotography #mft #microfourthirds #darktable #stacking #lichen #flechten #closeup #xanthoria #gelbflechte
#photography #photo #nature #macro #macrophotography #naturephotography #mft #microfourthirds #darktable #stacking #lichen #Flechten #closeup #Xanthoria #gelbflechte
Noch ein Blick „hinter die Kulissen“, denn dies ist keine klassische Langzeitbelichtung. Vielmehr habe ich rund 40 Aufnahmen frei Hand geschossen und in Affinity davon einen Durchschnitt gebildet. Links: Einzelbild (mit MFT, Micro-Nikkor 2,8/105mm @ ca f/5,6 und 1/40 sec), in der Mitte ein Durchschnitt aus 5 Bildern der Reihe und rechts alle 40 verrechnet. #Stacking #MultiExposure
Who comes up with such ideas? :blobcatheart: #Stacking by Doublie Fine, part of the bundle: "Like the beautiful dolls who populate it, Stacking is an elegant creation, the pieces fitting together to create something that's much more magical than the sum of its parts." (GAMESPOT) Crazy :blobcathappy:
𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗹𝘂𝗿𝘂𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗽𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗰𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗶𝘀
Si vous voyez ici la Macronie parasitant la France, vous avez un esprit bien tordu ! Il s'agit juste de Collybie des cônes de pin, enfin.
That is definitively not Macron, his employers, his accomplices and his lackeys parasitizing France! It's Collybia of the pine cones.
Das is nicht Macron, seine Arbeitgeber, seine Komplizen und seine Lakaien, die Frankreich parasitieren! Es handelt sich um die Collybie der Kiefernzapfen.
#macron #macro #fungi #stacking #foto
Ein schneller Blick zum #Mond.
A quick view to the #Moon.
#Stacking #tutorial
Mosaik erstellen:
#Astrofotografie #Astrophotography #Mondfotografie #Lunarimaging #Amateurastronomie #Amateurastronomy
#mond #moon #stacking #tutorial #astrofotografie #astrophotography #Mondfotografie #lunarimaging #amateurastronomie #amateurastronomy
Warum der ganze aufwand mit #Stacking?
Was ist das überhaupt:
Beim Stacking macht man viele Bilder, per Software werden diese überlagert, damit lassen sich Bildfehler rausrechnen (Dunkelrauschen, Ausleserauschen). Das Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis (SNR) wird deutlich besser, dadurch wird das Bild detailreicher.
Bei Mond und Planeten noch dazu "Lucky Imaging" wegen der sichtbaren Luftunruhe, da werden aus den vielen Bildern die besten verwendet.
Was hier etwas wie eine Hornisse wirkt ist aber tatsächlich ein Schmetterling. Der Hornissenschwärmer (Sesia apiformis) gehört zur Familie der Glasflügler und ist in Deutschland sehr selten. Ich sah in auch nur ein einzigesmal und hatte das Glück ein paar Stacks von ihm zu fertigen. Zwar nicht perfekt, aber immerhin
#Butterfly #Schmetterling #insects #Insekten #photography #fotografie #stacking
#stacking #fotografie #photography #insekten #insects #schmetterling #butterfly
Der berühmte Wollschweber (Bombyliidae) aus der Familie der Zweiflügler, welche zu den Fliegen zählen.
Ab dem Frühling sind diese sympathischen Wesen wieder von April bis Juni unterwegs.
#stacking #fotografie #plants #flies #photography #insects
#Mond-Mosaik von gestern Abend.
Mosaic image of the #Moon captured yesterday.
#Stacking #Tutorial:
Mosaik erstellen:
#Astrofotografie #Astrophotography #Amateurastronomie #Amateurastronomy #Mondbeobachtung #Mondfotografie #lunarimaging #lunarobservation
#mond #moon #stacking #tutorial #astrofotografie #astrophotography #amateurastronomie #amateurastronomy #mondbeobachtung #Mondfotografie #lunarimaging #lunarobservation
Had two hours before the dutch clouds came back so I tried the Horsehead Nebula, IC 434.
Setup contains ASI533mm Pro, RedCat 51, HEQ5 Pro, ASI120mm S (for auto-guiding) and ASIAir ✨
🔭 Clear skies everyone!
Lights (12h, 50min): 10 x L, 10 x R, 10 x G, 8 x B of 180 seconds each,
Dark x 20,
Master bias frame
#redcat #redcat51 #zwo #mono #astro #photography #stacking #astrophotography #astro #stars #horshead #nebula #ic434 #nofilters
#redcat #redcat51 #ZWO #mono #astro #photography #stacking #astrophotography #stars #horshead #nebula #ic434 #nofilters
@thatguyoverthere @persenche Nah... I only do #Isocaffeine & #Isocaffeinecitrate in isotonic solution as IV...
Seriously, don't stack #drugs, #GITMO found out that #stacking people on uppers is having too high lethality than desireable...
#stacking #gitmo #drugs #sarcasm #isocaffeinecitrate #isocaffeine
𝗖𝗲𝗰𝗶 𝗻'𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗽𝗮𝘀 𝘂𝗻 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗶𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝘀
Juste quelques glands d'un chêne pédonculé (Quercus robur) commun dans nos le Nord de la France. Un rien de photostacking, évidemment.
This is not a cabinet meeting.
Just a few acorns from a pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) common in our northern France. A bit of photostacking, of course.
#politique #macroPhotographie #macro #stacking #arbres #trees #photographie #caricature
#politique #macrophotographie #macro #stacking #arbres #trees #photographie #caricature