#Stage3 #Auspol
Join the resistance!
Sign this petition against #Stage3taxcuts
#stage3taxcuts #stage3 #auspol
“Inflation means only rare workers are getting ahead, despite award wage boost”
I have a neat trick - turn #Stage3TaxCuts into a wage rise for those who need it - magic
#Albo - how does sticking to #Stage3taxcuts demonstrate that #AustralianLabor is a good economic manager?
All it shows is that you will continue to support bad policies to avoid #LiberalParty wedging
You were elected to bring about change - do it!
#Albo #stage3taxcuts #australianlabor #liberalparty #auspol
We have government who with its #Stage3taxcuts has decided to embrace the failed #truckdowneconomics. It means that only the rich and well off can get the social needs that they want. #auspol
#stage3taxcuts #truckdowneconomics #auspol
The thing to remember, as you scroll endlessly through lines and lines of squares, is that each one of those squares is enough to buy a $5M house. The #Stage3TaxCuts are like GIVING A $5M HOUSE to 48,600 people in Australia. But only to the wealthy. People below $90,000 a year salary get almost nothing of this. That's 13 million people that get maybe one house per million people. But the rich get a house each, for doing nothing.
I get that Labor wants to not introduce any new taxes. I get that they want to look consistent. OK, so instead close some tax loopholes. The Fossil Fuel industry currently gets over $11Bn in tax breaks. The Fuel Tax Credits Scheme costs $8Bn alone - just remove that exemption. There's plenty more to pick on:
Labor has already identified the massive tax concessions given to wealthy people - that saved $45Bn! We need to totally remove those benefits, they're literally costing the government tens of billions:
There's lots more loopholes that the No-Liberals have introduced to favour their wealthy mates - just remove those exemptions. No new taxes, simplifying the tax system, and you get money in the budget. 99% of Australians will be in favour of it. What's not to like?
It makes me sick in the stomach reading this. Both of the major parties support #Stage3taxcuts which personally benefit their pockets.
#trickledowneconomics is still alive and well in this country even though it has been shown world wide that it is a failure. #auspol
#stage3taxcuts #trickledowneconomics #auspol
@AdamBandt delivered a superb address to the #NPC calling for a #PRRT that "earns" more revenue than interest on student loans, scrapping #Stage3TaxCuts and ending subsidies to "investors" with more than one investment property. #TheGreens are truly progressive. #WakeUpLabor
Also, we hope that in Nic Stuart's question to @AdamBandt, this was tongue in cheek: "... encouraging people to invest in rental housing ... [by] which they can make money by GOUGING tennants". No, landlords can still make money by being reasonable humans. #auspol #Greens
#npc #prrt #stage3taxcuts #thegreens #wakeuplabor #auspol #greens
“Government to reveal tax cut cost blowout as it flags two increased welfare payments”
#Albo & #Labor do the right thing!
SCRAP THE #Stage3taxcuts
You are prepared to trash our economy to prevent being wedged by the #LiberalParty - really?
#Albo #labor #stage3taxcuts #liberalparty #auspol
Adam Bandt is correct, #Labor is the dog whose tail is still wagged by the #LNP. #Stage3taxcuts have to go. The need for trained people in all areas should mean #FreeTAFE #FreeEd #BulkBilling #FreeChildCare #Insiders #AusPol
#labor #lnp #stage3taxcuts #freetafe #freeed #Bulkbilling #freechildcare #insiders #auspol
Lesson for all of us from Costa Rica in how it is actually relatively quick and easy to restore deforested land and endangered animal populations, with progressive thinking and a Govt prepared to listen to sense rather than big industry and cronies.
#Auspol2023 #auspol #AusPolitics #AustralianNature #AustraliaNaturalResources #AustralianAnimals
#auspol2023 #auspol #auspolitics #australiannature #australianaturalresources #australiananimals #stage3taxcuts
#GlenLeLievre @glenlelievre #cartoon Pushing shit uphill More cartoons, gifs and videos on Patreon https://patreon.com/glenlelievre #stage3taxcuts
#alttext #stage3taxcuts #cartoon #glenlelievre
All it takes is a reallocation of #Stage3TaxCuts and the benefits will flow to all Australians for generations.
Someone….oh wait all of them… in the #labor party federal gov benefits from the #Stage3taxcuts . Is anyone surprised that they voted with the #coalition to get them. #laborvoteswithlnpallthetime
#labor #stage3taxcuts #coalition #laborvoteswithlnpallthetime
“These are the areas that will get the least out of planned multi-billion-dollar tax cuts”
#Stage3TaxCuts - #Unfair #Unaffordable #UnAustralian
#stage3taxcuts #unfair #unaffordable #unaustralian
“We need more tax revenue, but don't ask the major parties how we'll get it”
#Stage3TaxCuts #NegativeGearing #FossilFuelSubsidies #PrivateSchoolFunding #IncreaseMedicareLevy
#stage3taxcuts #negativegearing #fossilfuelsubsidies #privateschoolfunding #increasemedicarelevy
Albo all choked up announcing the excellent #Voice news. He's a decent bloke. I'm therefore having trouble reconciling that with all the other crap going down lately with this #Labor government. Disillusioned hardly covers it. #AUKUS #ClimateChange #housing #NACC #refugees #whistleblowers #Stage3TaxCuts #auspol
#voice #labor #AUKUS #climatechange #housing #nacc #refugees #whistleblowers #stage3taxcuts #auspol
Labor just becomes more and more bloody disappointing with every passing day. #Voice #subs #ClimateChange #NACC #Stage3TaxCuts #auspol
#voice #subs #climatechange #nacc #stage3taxcuts #auspol
@rdns_tai Hopefully (he says more in desperation than optimism) a $368 bn hole means we have to revisit #Stage3TaxCuts, #PrivateEducationFunding, #FossilFuelSubsidies and other rich persons welfare leeching on the Australian purse.
#stage3taxcuts #privateeducationfunding #fossilfuelsubsidies
look, I'm not against the idea of shiny new submarines per se, but.... why are we spending so much on them and wringing our hands about having to cut spending on stuff while at the same time, giving hundreds of billions of dollars worth of tax cuts and subsidies to individuals and businesses that need it the least?
Fuck that. Kill the #Stage3TaxCuts and crack down on corporate tax avoision.
Peter Dutton on ABC 7.30 last night said the Coalition would be willing to provide bipartisan support to make the budget work, mentioning support for potential cuts to the national disability insurance scheme.
Jim Chalmers this morning: Our position on the tax cuts hasn’t changed. We’ve made it clear in other ways that we do need to find ways to make the budget more sustainable over time.
Now you start to see the true cost of this stupidity!
The poor and disadvantaged will foot the bill for “toys for the boys” and increased middle and upper class welfare!
#auspol #labor #liberal #AUKUS #stage3taxcuts