Theatre meets cosmic nebula ✨ 🌌🔭
#theatre #théâtre #theater #theatrephotography #stage #venue #stagephotography #stagelighting #lighting #lightingdesign #effects #smoke #haze #performance #liveperformance #acting #directing #training #actortraining #actingtraining #monday #mondaymotivation #mondaymood #photography #photooftheday #picoftheday #pic #photo
#photo #pic #picoftheday #photooftheday #photography #mondaymood #mondaymotivation #monday #actingtraining #actortraining #training #directing #acting #liveperformance #performance #haze #smoke #effects #lightingdesign #lighting #stagelighting #stagephotography #venue #stage #theatrephotography #theater #theatre
Happy #InternationalDanceDay!
#Kulturtipp: #CATEGORIES
Projekttheater Dresden
Sa/So. 29/30.4. 23, 20:00
Performance des Künstlerkollektivs Atmadhvani mit dem Tänzer Charles Washington. Gemeinsam widmen sie sich choreografisch, musikalisch und performativ den Gegensätzlichkeiten, Ergänzungen und (Un-)Vereinbarkeiten von „Kategorien“.
#dresden #thinkdifferent #tanzfestival #inklusiv #dance #dancer #photography #portrait #kulturphoto #liveperformance #stagephotography #clubbing #theater #music
#music #theater #clubbing #stagephotography #liveperformance #kulturphoto #portrait #photography #dancer #dance #inklusiv #tanzfestival #thinkdifferent #dresden #categories #Kulturtipp #internationaldanceday
Back in Town @lyrichammersmith for #AccidentalDeathofanAnarchist
#DarioFo #Fo #FrancaRame #TomBasden #DanielRagget #theatre #théâtre #theater #theatrelife #stage #stagephotography l#live #liveperformance #performance #theatrelove #theatrelover #theatrelovers #london #londonlife #london🇬🇧 #londonculture #arts #culture #actor #actors #acting #picoftheday #photooftheday #stagephotography #photo #pic #monday #mondaymotivation
#mondaymotivation #monday #pic #photo #photooftheday #picoftheday #acting #actors #actor #culture #arts #londonculture #londonlife #london #theatrelovers #theatrelover #theatrelove #performance #liveperformance #stagephotography #stage #theatrelife #theater #theatre #danielragget #TomBasden #FrancaRame #fo #dariofo #accidentaldeathofananarchist
Was Altes zum #MusicTuesday
Am Freitag spielen Fiddlers Green im Anker in #Leipzig
Hier ein paar Bilder, die ich 2006 von ihnen gemacht habe ... (nein, ich bin nicht alt!! 😂 ) #throwback
#photography #fiddlersgreen #shamrock #konzert #irish #irishfolk #irishmusic #haltsmaulundtanz #live #livemusic #stagephotography #portrait #music #band #bandfoto
#bandfoto #band #music #portrait #stagephotography #livemusic #live #haltsmaulundtanz #irishmusic #irishfolk #irish #konzert #shamrock #fiddlersgreen #photography #throwback #leipzig #MusicTuesday
Heute Abend, 20 Uhr im Yenidze Theater in #Dresden: #IMMERSION
Erstmals treffen der italienische Gastkünstler und Tänzer Paolo Cingolani, das Dresdner Performance-Ensemble Atmadhvani und der Medienkünstler Jo Siamon Salich zusammen.
Bild: Tänzerin Anne Dietrich und Tänzer Paolo Cingolani
#photography #dance #illusion #music #musik #theater #stage #live #fotografie #kulturgesichter #stagephotography #fotograf #theaterfotograf #tanz #portrait #liveperformance #limelight
#limelight #liveperformance #portrait #tanz #theaterfotograf #fotograf #stagephotography #kulturgesichter #fotografie #live #stage #theater #musik #music #illusion #dance #photography #immersion #dresden #Kulturtipp
Ab heute wieder im Yenidze Theater in #Dresden: #IMMERSION
Echtzeit-generierte virtuelle Illusionen vermischen sich mit Musik aus Orient und Okzident, indischer Tanz begegnet zeitgenössischen Bewegungen.
Im Bild: Tänzerin Anne Dietrich
#photography #dance #illusion #music #musik #theater #stage #live #fotografie #stageportrait #kulturgesichter #stagephotography #fotograf #theaterfotograf #tanz #portrait #liveperformance #limelight
#limelight #liveperformance #portrait #tanz #theaterfotograf #fotograf #stagephotography #kulturgesichter #stageportrait #fotografie #live #stage #theater #musik #music #illusion #dance #photography #immersion #dresden #Kulturtipp
Es ist mal wieder Zeit für ein paar Portraits. Diesmal von der wunderbaren Geigerin Leila Faust
Auftritt bei #IMMERSION im #YenidzeTheater #Dresden
#photography #fotografie #portrait #stagephotography #geige #violinist #violinista #künstlerportrait #artist #limelight #kulturgesichter #musician #kulturphoto #performance #musik #music #performingarts #Leipzig #violingirl #Theater #violinmusic #orient #sachsen
#sachsen #orient #violinmusic #theater #violingirl #leipzig #performingarts #music #musik #performance #kulturphoto #musician #kulturgesichter #limelight #artist #kunstlerportrait #violinista #violinist #geige #stagephotography #portrait #fotografie #photography #dresden #yenidzetheater #immersion
Palucca Meets Bach
Performance von Jana Schmück, Etienne Aweh (Tanz) und Frank Liebscher (Saxaphon) beim #Bachfest Leipzig im #Völkerschlachtdenkmal .
#bach #tanzart #music #Leipzig
#sachsen #art #dance #dancer
#kulturgesichter #kultursachsen #kulturphoto #performingarts #tanz #photography #stagephotography
#stagephotography #photography #tanz #performingarts #kulturphoto #kultursachsen #kulturgesichter #dancer #dance #art #sachsen #leipzig #music #tanzart #bach #volkerschlachtdenkmal #bachfest
Impression of Amber Docters van Leeuwen musical performance in Frascati Theater on life and adoption.
#cello #music #performance #theater #photography #concertphotography #stagephotography
#stagephotography #concertphotography #Photography #theater #performance #Music #cello
Mon Hellfest 2022 📸
Myles Kennedy
#hellfest #hellfest2022 #clisson #hellfestopenair #hellfestival #myleskennedy #rock #metalmusic #rockandroll #heavymetal #fujifilm #live #guitar #light #stagelighting #stage #stagephotography #livephotography #photography #how #theidesofmarch #liveband #photolive #liveevent #awesome
#hellfest #hellfest2022 #clisson #hellfestopenair #hellfestival #myleskennedy #rock #metalmusic #rockandroll #heavymetal #fujifilm #live #guitar #light #stagelighting #stage #stagephotography #livephotography #photography #how #theidesofmarch #liveband #photolive #liveevent #awesome
Im Yenidze Theater #Dresden
Multimediale #Performance mit #Musik aus Orient und Okzident.
Wieder zu sehen am 4. und 5. November!
#dance #sounds #illusion #theater #stage #live #stageportrait #kulturgesichter #stagephotography #fotograf #theaterfotograf
#theaterfotograf #fotograf #stagephotography #kulturgesichter #stageportrait #live #stage #theater #illusion #sounds #dance #musik #performance #dresden #immersion