Hey Mastodon,
I had to share this article about the #economics games political parties play to get votes, get themselves and their wealthy peers richer while sucking the life out of the working class.
Share widely.
#Politics #Economy #TrickleDownEconomics #DebtCeiling #SocialSecurity #SupplySideEconomics #NewDeal #StagnantWages
#stagnantwages #newdeal #supplysideeconomics #socialsecurity #debtceiling #trickledowneconomics #economy #politics #economics
Biden’s fault? All of a sudden it is unacceptable? People just need to "work harder"? 🤔
It hasn't stopped rising.
November 2020 it was 2555.40%.
#OverIt #WhatATimeToBeAlive #Inflation #StagnantWages #LivingWages #SameOldSameOld
#overit #whatatimetobealive #inflation #stagnantwages #livingwages #sameoldsameold
Gotta have my van towed back to my guy in the IE. Always have a “guy” for your car. I don’t know what I’d do. They don’t want to touch it out here. The tow is insane, but hella cheaper than a new van. Thank god we don’t need the money for, I don’t know, food, shelter. </sarcasm>
#povertysucks #WorkingClass #costofliving #stagnantwages