With #inflation inching closer to the official goal and economic #stagnation setting in, Bank of #Israel will probably opt to leave its benchmark at 4.75% for a 2nd consecutive meeting today, chart @markets http://tinyurl.com/4k79wcf2
#Inflation #stagnation #israel
#Wirtschaft #Economy #Briefing 288 #Reallöhne #Nominallöhne #Reallohn #Nominallohn #Inflation #Produktivität #Zinspolitik #Konjunktur #Stagnation #Stagflation #Rezession #Rohstoffe #Rohstoffpreise #EU #Euro #Stabilität #Inflationsausgleich #Deutschland
Reallöhne legen erstmals seit zwei Jahren leicht zu (Statista + Infoplus + Kommentar) | Briefing 288 | Wirtschaft
#wirtschaft #economy #briefing #reallohne #nominallohne #reallohn #nominallohn #inflation #produktivitat #zinspolitik #konjunktur #stagnation #stagflation #rezession #rohstoffe #rohstoffpreise #eu #euro #stabilitat #inflationsausgleich #deutschland
Deutsche Wirtschaft stagniert im zweiten Quartal
Die deutsche Wirtschaft ist nach dem frostigen Konjunkturwinter auch im Frühjahr nicht in Schwung gekommen. Das Statistische Bundesamt bestätigte heute die Stagnation. Experten nennen strukturelle Probleme.
#Konjunktur #Stagnation #BIP #Wirtschaftswachstum #Deutschland
#konjunktur #stagnation #bip #wirtschaftswachstum #deutschland
-#Wirtschaft #Economy #Briefing 283 #Konjunkturdaten #Eurozone #EU #Germany #Italy #France #Spain #Netherlands #Wachstumsschwäche #Rezession #Stagnation #Politik #Kompetenz #Kompetenzlosigkeit #Probleme #Problemstau #Wachstum nur noch bei den #Problemen
Die deutsche Wirtschaft stagniert (Statista + Kommentar) | Briefing 283 R | Wirtschaft
#wirtschaft #economy #briefing #konjunkturdaten #eurozone #eu #germany #italy #france #spain #netherlands #wachstumsschwache #rezession #stagnation #politik #kompetenz #kompetenzlosigkeit #probleme #problemstau #wachstum #problemen
#Kultur #Buchmarkt #Buchverkäufe #Büchermarkt #Bücherverkäufe #Umsatz #Stagnation #Rückgang #Bildung #Bildungsniveau #Lesefähigkeit #Europa #Kulturland #Kulturnation #Kulturkontinent #Freiheit #Sklaverei #Gaming #Gewalt #Revolution #Feudalismus #Buchdruck
Buchmarkt stagniert auf hohem Niveau (Statista + Präzisierung + Polemik) | Kultur / Literatur
#kultur #buchmarkt #buchverkaufe #buchermarkt #bucherverkaufe #umsatz #stagnation #ruckgang #bildung #bildungsniveau #lesefahigkeit #europa #kulturland #kulturnation #kulturkontinent #freiheit #sklaverei #gaming #gewalt #revolution #feudalismus #buchdruck
🎧 The Rhodes Center Podcast, hosted by Mark Blyth, released a new three-part podcast mini-series on the book “Diminishing Returns”. In episode one, Blyth and co-editors, MPIfG director Lucio Baccaro and Jonas Pontusson, discuss the premise of the book and its fresh perspective on the politics of #growth and #stagnation.
Prolonged stagnation
China not rushing to fix,
Property crisis looms
#china #economy #stagnation #propertycrisis #haiku #poetry
#china #economy #stagnation #propertycrisis #haiku #poetry
#Europe ’s prolonged #stagnation and #ECB ’s odd rate hikes, chart Heiner Flassbeck https://tinyurl.com/mr373zwu
In the #eurozone, firms' production plans and recent factory order data are more negative than for #industry as a whole and point to sustained production cuts. For total industry, they point to #stagnation - chart @OxfordEconomics
#eurozone #industry #stagnation
#China Whether the world's 2nd -largest economy chugs ahead at 3-4% annually or flirts, as some economists expect, with #Japan -like "lost decades" of #stagnation, it looks set to disappoint its leaders, its youth, and much of the world, chart @ReutersBiz bit.ly/3Y438xt
Some anticipate that the #US will enter a short-term #recession in 2023, then #economy will continue to rise. Other economists expect that the economy will not fall at all, but will instead stall in 2023 in order to accelerate in 2024. However, I continue to envision third possibility in which the economy enters a long period of #stagnation. During a period of stagnation, the #USA economy will either grow slowly or fall marginally, with no notable changes. And thus it will go on for a long time.
#USA #stagnation #Economy #recession #US
#LastBrainstorm was 1 month ago.
#Humanity when are we going to get #NewIdeas? #Stagnation
#stagnation #NewIdeas #Humanity #lastbrainstorm
The #Corrosive #Legacy of #SilvioBerlusconi Opinion by Yascha Mounk https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/the-corrosive-legacy-of-silvio-berlusconi/ar-AA1crPRm He masterfully made #political #conflicts all about him & turned #judicial #proceedings to his advantage by casting himself as a #martyr, likening himself to #JesusChrist. Although he consistently failed to deliver on his promises to reverse #economic #stagnation and political decline he was able to retain the #loyalty of a large segment of population & dominate Italian politics for 2 decades aka #trump
#corrosive #legacy #silvioberlusconi #political #conflicts #judicial #proceedings #martyr #jesuschrist #economic #stagnation #loyalty #trump
Office Water May Be Unsafe After Weekends and Holidays: Best Of: Mar22
You may get more than a case of the Mondays if you hit the ol’ office water fountain after a weekend or holiday closure. #water #stagnation #bottledwater #https://youtu.be/9ropt2JS4_s
#water #stagnation #bottledwater #https
#UK workers £11k worse off after years of wage #stagnation – thinktank - https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/mar/20/uuk-workers-wage-stagnation-resolution-foundation-thinktank
#torypoliciesinaction #stagnation #uk
#Budget2023: #UK on track for ‘disastrous decade’ of income #stagnation
#Taxes as a share of #GDP are on track to reach a 70-year high but #PublicServices are being cut, says thinktank
#torypoliciesinaction #publicservices #gdp #taxes #stagnation #uk #Budget2023
L’ère de la post-croissance : vivre heureux dans une économie stationnaire [Timothée Parrique] - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiTumoqBpa8 #économie #postcroissance #stagnation #écologie #économie_écologique #timothée_parrique #décroissance #production #consommation #économie_stationnaire #économie_de_la_qualité #satisfaction_des_besoins_humains #temps_de_travail #bienêtre #inégalités #économie_de_la_convivialité #convivialisme #1st_revue #99th_revue #2nd_frm
#2nd_frm #99th_revue #1st_revue #convivialisme #economie_de_la_convivialite #inegalites #bienetre #temps_de_travail #satisfaction_des_besoins_humains #economie_de_la_qualite #economie_stationnaire #consommation #production #decroissance #timothee_parrique #economie_ecologique #ecologie #stagnation #postcroissance #economie
Welcome to The Great Unraveling! The #globaleconomy is entering an #era of #stagnation, #stagflation, and #surprises.
The 3S's together would define the years ahead as #low #growth, high #inflation, and #diminishing #returns to #capital, create a #perfectstorm of #converging #crises.
The "surprises" can be more #war, another #pandemic, and runaway #climatechange inducing #migration and #conflict. Stressed #debt increases due to #ratehikes add to the overall #misery.
#globaleconomy #era #stagnation #stagflation #surprises #low #growth #inflation #diminishing #returns #capital #perfectstorm #converging #crises #war #pandemic #climatechange #migration #Conflict #debt #ratehikes #misery
An incisive #takedown of one of the most coveted workplaces in the #tech world and it's fabled #workculture .
#google #stagnation #dontbeevil #bigtech
#tech #google #stagnation #dontbeevil #bigtech #takedown #workculture